
My brother is younger and caretaker lives with my mom? This is a terrible position to be in but housing for mentally ill in our state is 10 yr. waiting list and very limited . Seniors taking care of adult mentally ill adults...the services are none existent in our area ...Now mom is sick too .

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I don't know what I would do without my brother. He was my rock when mom was in intensive care, he talked to her and got her to eat and get help. Thank you for your insight jeannegibbs.
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How capable would your brother be in handling your mother's affairs? Unless he has been judged incompetent, I don't know of any reason that your mother couldn't make him your alternate for POA. Whether this is a good idea is another matter.

I have two relatives who are bipolar. One of them manages very successfully and I would not hesitate to have her as a POA. The other one is generous and caring, but would just not be suitable to handle someone else's affairs -- needs help with her own. So I know that "bipolar" covers a lot of territory.
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