
My husband is losing weight. He is on Remeron, which upped his appetite when he first got on it. Now he seems picky, one or two bites and he is done. I don't want to try Ensure or Boost because it gives him the runs. Since he is 75, has Alzheimer's, wears adult underwear, and is very slow, I don't want to take that chance. He drank that when he had cancer surgery two years before Alz diagnosis, but I always wondered if it was doing any good since it went thru him so fast. I feel horrible he is getting so thin, losing 18 pounds in the last 9 months.

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ice cream! lots of ice cream!
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Thanks, Crisp. I could make it a nightly ritual. I will have to feed him, he's so slow it wil melt before he gets the second spoonful. Thanks again.
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I take care of a 95 year old Alzheimer patient and she was losing weight till I came along and through my research I have come up with a combination of things that has taken her from stage 4 into stage 3! She is coming back around. When I started taking care of her they called the family down to say their goodbyes and when she pulled thro it I thought she wants to live so I hit the intrnt and magazine etc... She had all the issues as ur husband plus more I know u did mention. I started juicing for her. apples. carrots, pears ,papaya, beets, parsley, kale, collard greens, yucca root, ginger, watercress, cilantro,green peppers, and sometimes I throw a few exotic roots of other types or aloe etc etc. Then for breakfast I puree avocado, banana, greek vanilla yogurt and give that to her then 5 oz of apple sauce with green tea powder, l-carnitine powder, ashwagandha, cq10, and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. This morning routine has changed her!!! juicing gives her those vitamins that I couldn't get in food and the vitamins are special for the brain and will help release oxygen to her brain. It would take a book for me to wrote exactly what it does and how it works. The coconut oil is amazing for dementia and Alzheimer patients and prob cancer. Speaking of cancer. if u make this juice for your husband and give him 8 oz every hr for the first week you will see a huge change in him and so will his dr's, I can give so much advice to people with Alzheimer's and some cancer. I have dedicated my days to research and will be available for anyone to contact me for advice, questions or just to talk thro what your going thro. It is hard to take care of another especially if you have a close relationship with the person and you weren't ready to let them go to such disease's. Anyone can e-mail me direct. Kelly B
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Yes ice cream is also something I give. Mix avocado in everything possible.
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