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That's what the psych eval was FOR, to determine your hubby's state of mind. Trust me, he's never going to willingly go to a Memory Care facility. You have to be his "cognitive brain" now.
If YOU feel this is best, then do it.
Are you in the US? Sounds like you're not (spelling differences :) What are the rules where you are? 2 drs being on board or is one's opinion sufficient?
It doesn't get easier and it does get much worse, so pick your battles. If hubby is making life impossible and you worry about his safety and perhaps, your own, then a memory care place is where he needs to be.
So sad, and I am sorry for you.
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If he has been deemed incompetent and you have POA that's been activated, you can put him in Memory Care. If you do put him in memory care, he will be angry as all get out but you are looking out for what is best for him and he can't call the shots anymore since he can't make safe or rational decisions anymore. Crappy I know.
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You might, but for him to be considered fully incompetent, I believe that you need such an evaluation from two doctors who testify in court that he is incompetent for a judge to rule on this and you be awarded guardianship which will give you full authority to do this.
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I requested the behavioural psychologist to test my husband as his cognative issues are creating big problems. I want to put him in a memory care. Do I need anything more than the Power of Attorney to place him?
He is not going to want to do this.
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Was the behavioural psychologist qualified to give an opinion as to your husband's mental capacity? If so, and the recommendation reflected a professional opinion that your husband has lost the mental capacity to make this kind of decision, then your husband's agreement doesn't enter into it: the whole point is that he's no longer able to decide.

So it'll be down to you, as his next of kin; do you also have power of attorney for his medical and welfare decisions?

In any case, though, you don't have to agree to placing your husband in memory care; and, if he does still have capacity, your husband doesn't have to agree to it either. It's not the law. But it is an option you should both consider very carefully together, before things get much harder.
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