
There are Laws to protect the Elderly, yet loop holes for Lawyers. There are no agency's that will help when its family it's called a dispute. It's not a dispute when sick and scared Elderly are taken for a ride. I am not a writer, need to hire an editor, the % of family scammers is a horror, what seems to be legal is sad, and amazing. Officials need to make changes, but seems nothing gets done unless it's news worthy. No one knows or cares if it's not shown and proven. I know to many that have been done in by family, it needs to be addressed, elected officials who create laws should tell us how these loop holes are created, why there is no agency's or help when it does.

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I can only support what Geaton777 wrote.  

I sense your frustration, and anger, but there are no facts addressing anything, no instances, and it's  unclear what your specific grievances are, to whom you want to write, and/or what you want to change, and how.

Sweeping generalizations also discourage people from listening.   I.s., "No one knows or cares if it's not shown or proven."   This kind of nonspecific accusation turns people off.

Obviously you're frustrated about something.   Be more specific, cite instances and you would likely get some good suggestions from other folks here.
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You first must start by making your case with facts and provable data. Literally everything in your post is a vagary or a sweeping generalization. You give no specific examples. Do some research so that if you do find a partner to write something up, they have something to work from. They can't conjure up stuff out of thin air and expect anyone to take it seriously. Venting is one thing, but trying to lead a parade without specifics is a waste of someone's time.

"Officials need to change the laws for elderly and their caregivers..." - Do you mean politicians? Which officials: local, state, national? To which specific laws are you referring?

"There are Laws to protect the Elderly, yet loop holes for Lawyers." - give more than one recent, specific example.

"There are no agency's that will help when its family it's called a dispute. " - what kind of dispute? Financial? Legal control or an LO? What are you even talking about?

"It's not dispute when sick and scared Elderly are taken for a ride." - again, what is the IT you are griping about? Which sick and scared Elderly? What kind of ride? By who?

"...the % of family scammers is a horror, what seems to be legal is sad, and amazing." What kind of scam in particular? Who is a scammer? Provide a % if you're so sure of it as a large-scale phenomenon.

"officials need to make changes, but seems nothing gets done unless it's news worthy," - What officials: NH administrators? Legislators? Lawyers? What was in the news that is a recent example? Is there more than one example?

"No one knows or cares if it's not shown and proven." - Who is no one? WHAT is not being shown or proven?

" I know to many that have been done in by family, it needs to be addressed, elected officials who create laws should tell us how these loop holes are created, why there is no agency's or help when it does." - So you do know some victims? What are their stories? WHAT needs to be addressed....what is the main problem? What more agencies do we need other than the judicial system, lawyers, ombudsmen, doctors, social services...?

Are you talking national or states? Have you at least written a letter yourself to a legislature to see what response you get? Have you done the homework to find out what a pathway to a new law or advocacy agency would even be? Either you have a real story to tell or you're just angry about 1 thing that happened to you personally. Which is it? You are welcome to vent here but please do it in the Discussions section.
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