
I have a letter from my doctor saying I need this because of mobility issues. I have osteoarthritis and can't stand long enough to prepare meals. So he does it for me, laundry, help getting in and out of shower. He can't work and care for me and my United Health Medicare will only pay a portion for an agency. We only need a few hundred a month to pay all bills. Thank you , Kitty

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Also call your local Senior Center, Alzheimer's Association and Area Agency on Aging and ask about low cost agencies, or other form of help.
Helpful Answer (2)

Kitty, is your husband a veteran? If so, research VA spousal benefits, then contact either the local VA hospital or a county level VA office to help with the applications.

Has your doctor scripted for any home care agency, or is the "letter" a script? If it is, you could get some home health care assistance, but it would likely be for a limited basis.

Private duty is expensive, about $25 an hour for a 3 - 4 hour minimum, so that wouldn't help.

However, I don't know anything about the scope of UHM's health care coverage. You might want to call them and ask for recommendations for care that would be covered by them. But that would only cover their portion; what other specific chores are you considering for which you need assistance?

In the meantime, think of ways to compensate. My mother used to prepare meals sitting down, which I also do sometimes if my legs or back are bothering me. You can also prepare larger meals and freeze portions, to decrease the need for more regular meal prep.

Or you can consider Meals on Wheels.

Do you stand to get in the shower? Consider a slide bench by which you can sit down, lift your legs and slide over, and be showered, all while sitting down.

Think of all the chores for which standing is difficult, and post back. There's a wealth of experience here and others can help suggest ways these chores might be accomplished w/o paying the high cost of private duty.
Helpful Answer (1)

Kittyann1,you’ve now asked the same question at least 3 times over the past month. Please read the answers you’ve already gotten. Medicaid and Medicare rules didn’t change in the last month while you have asked about having someone else pay your spouse to care for you.
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