
I helped my parents with finances for the past 21 years as well as helping out in any other way they felt was needed. Upon Dad's passing his will stated that what he had remaining was to go to my younger brother and I. I told them that we didn't feel this was right and we wanted to split it in fourths. Our other 2 siblings who had not spoken to each other in 10 yrs. joined forces and are accusing me of stealing money from our deceased father. Claims Dad made this statement somewhere 5-10 yrs ago. They've also requested full accounting for past 11 yrs. Working on getting this for them as sister and I cleaned out dads house and these were disposed of as we felt no reason to keep any papers. Dad did help out my adopted African American daughter as he so chose to and she has been grateful for it. She was a big part of Dad's life and the bond they shared can never be taken away. My aunt had shared with me " Your Dad always wanted a little black girl and he finally got her". She has been a part of our family for 31 yrs. Dad was insistent that he was going to walk her down the aisle.Unfortunately his time was up 4 mths prior to the wedding. He was definitely there with us in spirit. Now my two siblings are stating that there is no way Dad would of ever done anything for my daughter as he was racist. They are now hitting below the belt. Even through all this I want to hold up my word and give them what I said from the start. I have decided whenever they get done with their "search" and "accusations" that I will send each of them a letter stating that this is the last time I will take up any of their time. I want to thank them for putting me through this for the past 11+ months. It has given me time to see them for who they truly are. Any thoughts on this is appreciated and welcomed.

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Your Dad was competent, correct. You just helped. He wrote all the checks? ( Hopefully you didn't write any to yourself signing as POA.) How does your POA read? POA in effect at time of signing or when Dad was found incompetent. If it reads at time found incompetent and Dad was never found incompetent, then you were never POA so not responsible for his spending. So you owe them no explanation of how "He" spent his money.

As Executor, your responsibility is probating the will. This means paying any outstanding debts and the sale of any property unless left to someone. Once you show Probate you have followed thru then what is left in the estate is divided between the two beneficiaries. I definitely would not split the estate 4 ways after this. If they want an accounting as the Executor than you can give them that but since they were not in the Will then they are not entitled to that.

Have you received something from a lawyer? If not, you owe them nothing if Dad was competent.
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Well then, that's your answer. They get nothing.
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They are not in the will? You owe them absolutely nothing. They are not beneficiaries. Have the attorney send them cease and desist letter.

When there is a death they certainly come out of the woodwork, don't they?
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Sammysunny Mar 2019
They were listed in the Will. It stated their names and that he was not leaving anything to them as he felt what he had already done for them was it.
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