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It might be useful if your moms roommate or her next door neighbors, or family representatives, are willing to formally verbalize this issue with you.
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Nina1965 Aug 2022
Great idea!
LOL Why don't the residents on her floor start yelling when she does?
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lealonnie1 Aug 2022
Whats funny about such a stressful situation cover? Is it going to reduce everyone's stress to have the entire floor yelling? And do you think the poor OPs mother is "LOLing" while listening to hours of screaming? Would YOU be LOLing yourself under such circumstances? 😐
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I volunteered with hospice for 8 1/2 years and I can tell that literally every nursing facility I went in during that time had at least one person who would be hollering(usually help)for long periods of time. Usually, but not always it was someone with some form of dementia.
It's very common unfortunately and nursing facilities should by now know how to handle these folks.
But until they get things figured out, you do have the option to have your mom moved, however like lealonnie said below, be careful what you ask for as it may not be a better move.
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Nina1965 Aug 2022
Yep. That was exactly their response. They would move MY mother into a tiny room but, not the lady. I did not take that solution to be acceptable.
Several things here.
Her yelling might not be for "no reason"
My Husband moaned all day "for no reason"
My Husband was non verbal his moaning was a way to communicate, was a way maybe for him to let me or a caregiver know he was there, wanted something who knows what was in his mind.

If this woman is in a "nursing home" and by that I think you mean a Skilled Nursing facility. It is possible that her care is beyond what a Memory Care facility can do. Many can no longer use equipment to transfer someone so if she needs a Hoyer Lift, Sit to Stand or other equipment she can not be moved to MC.

If has has any conditions that would make moving to MC impossible that might be another reason. Most MC will not take anyone with any "tubes" so feeding tube, catheter and such. MC residents tend to pull out "tubes" so this requires the attention of more trained staff. As well as the upkeep of "tubes"

the "nursing home" where your mom is can not legally tell you that her family will not have her evaluated, they can not tell you what the diagnosis is, they can not give you ANY medical information unless they have permission in writing from the family to give you that information.

You can request that mom's room be moved.
You can begin looking for another facility that will take your mom.
But I doubt you have any legal recourse.
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XenaJada Aug 2022
Also there’s usually at least one “HELP ME” screamer at every SNF.
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I think the nursing home staff shouldn't be divulging info about a resident.
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Demand to have your mother moved to another room, away from this woman. But first make sure her new neighbors or roommate doesn't have worse behavioral issues than the one you're moving her away from!

Good luck to you!
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