
83yrs old mother in law with dementia from Puerto Rico. Her house is where the temblor are happening. Only family from another town in Puerto Rico is her daughter & they don’t get along. Both begs us to get mom and bring her with us. Not even a week after in USA, she hates the weather and wants to go back home. She can’t be by herself and she doesn’t have the means for a caregiver. So far I just listen to her, maybe change the subject and take care of her, no point in explaining she will not agree and she will forget anyway. I know I can’t keep her forever, she never liked USA, it's too cold for her. What can I do? HELP!

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Lipiment, when it comes to dementia, there are times no matter what we do, the person will not be happy. You could place Mom-in-law in a 5-star hotel with the world's best caregiver, and Mom-in-law would still be grumbling.

Does Mom-in-law have any interest that can keep her busy, such as cooking, reading, puzzles? Or bring out the old photo albums and have her write the names of whom are in the photos, maybe start a family tree.
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You need to start by contacting your county's Dept of Health and Human Services to see if she qualifies for any in-home services or financial help.


Contact your local area's Agency on Aging (sometimes called the Council on Aging). They are a conduit to lots of information for seniors.
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I know some of our benefits PR has. Do they have Medicaid? Do they have nice NHs in PR? Or is it such right now she is better in the US.
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Sounds like quite a nightmare! I'm not sure what to suggest. Take some deep breaths and hopefully you'll get some much needed advice!
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