Diet & Nutrition for Seniors

  • 4 Culinary Questions to Help You Choose a Nursing Home

    Evaluating everyday and special occasion meal options can provide a great deal of insight into the overall quality of the facility you are considering for your loved one. Use these 4 simple suggestions to help you decide on a skilled nursing facility.

  • Personal Chefs Can Help Seniors at Home

    Millions of aging adults suffer from malnourishment because they can't prepare healthy meals. A new company provides affordable personal chefs to help older adults eat better so they can age at home and avoid placement.

  • Eating Wisely

    Learning how to eat wisely is crucial for aging adults and their caregivers. Discover the science behind why we crave unhealthy foods that are loaded with sugar and fat.

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  • Why I’ll Only Take These 3 Supplements

    I used to take lots of supplements. At one point, I was popping a dozen pills a day. Then I cut way back, convinced we need to get our nutrition mostly from food. I make these three exceptions.

  • Why Coffee Lowers Stroke Risk and Soda Raises It

    We've known for a long while that sodas, especially the sugary ones, carry all kinds of health risks. A new study shows that stroke is now on that list. But coffee? Drink up!

  • A Caregiver with a Sweet Tooth

    I used to be a healthy eater, then dad got sick. His eating habits changed, and so did mine.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Re-examining the Coconut-Oil-for-Alzheimer's Hype

    I've been irked by the many hucksters who've promoted coconut oil as an Alzheimer's treatment, without one shred of scientific evidence. All that false hope to all those struggling families.... Makes me crazy! One major promoter seems to be dialing back.

  • Coconut Oil, Curcumin and Alzheimer's: Is There a Connection?

    Certain supplements—especially coconut oil and curcumin—generate lots of interest when it comes to the topic of Alzheimer's prevention. Leading neurologist and Alzheimer's expert Dr. Rudy Tanzi weighs in.

  • That Latest Health Study is Probably Not the Answer

    I spend lots of computer time reading about new studies concerning health, seniors, and medicine. I occasionally get excited about something, but I have to remember: those studies are usually flawed... in many ways.

  • 10 Farmer’s Market Foods That Are Senior Approved

    Buying produce at a local farmer's market is a fun, affordable way for caregivers and seniors to get outside and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Keep an eye out for these 10 healthy ingredients this spring and summer.

  • An Elder-Friendly Grocery Shopping List

    This senior-friendly grocery shopping list will help ensure your elderly loved one gets the nutrition they need in a tasty, healthy way.

  • 7 Simple Ways to Put Fruits and Veggies Back Into a Senior’s Diet

    How do we ensure our elderly loved ones are getting the nutrition they need? Here are 7 simple ways to put fruits and veggies back into your senior's diet.

  • The Mediterranean Diet: A Big Reason Why I Feel as Good as I Do

    The more I read, the longer I live, the more I understand the critical role that DIET plays in our well-being. I'm lucky: I LOVE following the Mediterranean diet, and a local Lebanese restaurant / carry-out makes it easy for me.

  • Satisfy a Senior’s Sweet Tooth in a Healthy Way

    Aging adults often develop a preference for sweeter foods, making it challenging for them to get proper nutrition. Use these tips and ideas for delicious desserts that also meet seniors’ dietary needs.

  • Nutrient Supplements and Senior Health

    A simple blood test can determine whether a senior is deficient in any key vitamins or minerals and should develop a nutrition and supplement plan to get the nutrients they need.

  • Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s: Miracle Cure or Myth?

    In the absence of formal clinical trials, it's hard to say whether anecdotes touting the benefits of using coconut oil to minimize the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are rooted in fact or just the product of another health fad.

  • Top 3 Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Foods

    Mediterranean diet foods such as olive oil, salmon and spinach offer a variety of health benefits to people of all ages.

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  • Holiday Meal Tips for People With Dietary Restrictions

    Some traditional holiday dishes can be problematic or entirely off-limits for loved ones with special dietary needs. Use these tips to plan a flavorful and healthful meal that everyone can enjoy.

  • How to Know if a Parent is Eating in the Senior Living Community

    Assisted living and skilled nursing facilities seek to provide balanced, nutritional meals for their residents, but when your parent isn't eating enough, it could signal an underlying medical problem.

  • The Easy Dietary Change That Could Save Your Brain

    Seniors who eat high-sugar diets are nearly four times as likely to develop mild cognitive impairment, according to a recent study. The ever-strengthening link between diet and dementia highlights the importance of good nutrition for elders and cargivers.

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