A quick guide, organized by topic, to help you find the answers you are looking for about your AgingCare experience.
The mission of AgingCare is to help families find answers, care and information on eldercare. As your partner in caregiving, we've organized the home page to help you navigate through this process. Use the home page to explore Answers on Caregiving or Search the Caregiver Forum for questions and discussions related to your caregiving needs. Find Information, Articles and Care Guides to inform and support your caregiving decisions. Prepare for the continuum of care by exploring options and Find Care or Find Senior Housing in your area that meets your needs and budget.
When on an article, question or discussion page, the header will change so you can quickly post a comment or answer as well as post a new question or discussion.
Search local care and housing options by zip code using the Find Care and Find Senior Housing tabs throughout the site. Use Find Care in the site footer to locate local resources. Here you will find directories of Elder Law Attorneys, Geriatric Care Managers, Hospice providers and Area Agencies on Aging.
Membership on AgingCare is free. As a member of AgingCare you can fully participate in the Caregiver Forum and leave comments on AgingCare content. Becoming a member allows you to customize your AgingCare experience by Following topics, content, users and authors. AgingCare members create a Profile by choosing a screen name that will appear on your posts to the community, and a password that protects the privacy of your account.
Use your profile button in the top right to access your account drop down menu.
Click LOG IN at the top right corner of the header. Enter your username or email address, then click Forgot your Password?
To change your password, LOG IN and click the Profile button to access the dropdown menu.
Click Settings and then enter your Current Password and your desired New Password, then click Save.
If you forget your username, you can log in using your email address instead. You'll find your username in your account Settings after signing in.
Manage your email and newsletter settings from your Settings menu. Click the Profile Menu in the top right corner, click Settings, and click Subscriptions to indicate the content you would like to receive from AgingCare through email.
As a member you can use the Caregiver Forum to ask and answer questions, participate in discussions, and reply to other members. To access the Caregiver Forum, Click Caregiver Forum in the menu dropdown, click the question mark icon on the header, or click any question or discussion on a topic page.
Questions and Discussions are organized into groups:
Frequent Questions: Questions identified as frequently asked by members.To ask a question or start a new discussion click on the Ask a Question or Start a Discussion boxes in the forum, enter your text, then click Post.
To reply directly to an answer or comment from another member, use the Reply feature.
To report any answer or comment as inappropriate, use the Report feature.
Discussions and Questions are closed for comment after they have become inactive for 180 days. The discussion/question remains fully available to read for past advice and information.
To view all of your recent posts, click on your Profile button. Activity lists, in chronological order, all of your activity. You may choose to view all, your questions and answers, discussions, or messages. When you post a message for another user, it appears in their News Feed and appears in your Activity. Messages marked as Private can not be viewed by other users.
To view answers to your questions and replies to your discussions, click on the Profile button in the header, and click News Feed from the dropdown menu. News Feed lists, in chronological order, all activity on articles, discussions and questions that you are following.
Sending a Hug is a great way to express appreciation or support to other members. You can send a hug to a member by going to their Profile and posting a public or private message and selecting the Give a Hug link. It will open up to allow you to pick the perfect hug.
The button is found on member’s comments. By clicking the button, you can give positive feedback without leaving a comment.
The Helpful Answer button is found on member’s answers. By clicking the button, you are indicating the answer is helpful. Helpful votes are counted so that answers can be sorted by most helpful, and members can receive positive feedback for their effort.
We encourage and appreciate participation on AgingCare. Your statistics are located on your Public Profile page.
All viewpoints are welcome on the Caregiver Forum, but all comments should remain relevant to eldercare, related issues, and caregiver support. Responses should respect the unique experience and perspective of each member.
Personal attacks and threatening language are prohibited. Avoid the use of profanity and be respectful of others’ sensitivities. Do not post offensive or discriminatory remarks towards groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.
Advertisement, of any sort, is not permitted. Mass solicitation, promotional content, and links to outside sources will be disabled or removed. Efforts to solicit users directly, including through the use of personal messaging, will be removed.
For your safety, our staff will remove any personal information posted. AgingCare prohibits the sharing of your email address, phone number, address or full name in the community forum.
To let us know about inappropriate activity, click on the Report icon located on all posts.
In order to continue to provide you with informative content and an interactive caregiving forum, with no cost passed on to you, we accept sponsors and advertisers on our site.
We’d love to help you connect your brand with our community of caregivers. For more information about all of our marketing solutions, please call (239) 594-3222.
To share your suggestions, comments and concerns visit the Contact Us page.