Elder Law

  • Top 5 Strategies for Protecting Your Money From Medicaid

    Many seniors must apply for Medicaid to afford long-term care. Here are strategies families can use to protect some of their assets while still qualifying for financial assistance with nursing home costs.

  • Estate Tax Q and A for Family Caregivers

    Taxes are an important element to consider when engaging in estate planning. Discover the answers to 5 key estate tax questions.

  • The Top 8 Medicaid Planning Mistakes People Make

    Proper Medicaid planning is crucial when it comes time to pay senior care costs. Here are some common mistakes people make when trying to plan for Medicaid.

  • 4 Reasons to Review Your Will

    Most people mistakenly believe that creating a will is a one-time task, but estate-planning documents should be reviewed regularly to ensure they still reflect your wishes.

  • Understanding the Medicaid Look-Back Period and Penalty Period

    Seniors with limited income and assets must often use a spend-down strategy to qualify for Medicaid, but gifting can trigger a penalty period of ineligibility. Learn about Medicaid asset transfer rules to avoid problems with paying for long-term care.

  • Discounts and Free Services for Seniors and Their Caregivers

    With so many older adults living on limited incomes, finding affordable products and services is crucial to making ends meet. Get the inside scoop on freebies and discounts available to you and your aging loved one.

  • What To Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Assisted Living

    What's a caregiver to do when their elderly parent refuses assisted living or nursing home care but isn’t safe at home? In some cases, guardianship may be an option.

  • How to Pay for Home Care

    Home care payment options include Medicare and Medicaid plans, but VA benefits and long-term care insurance may also help pay for care.

  • Health Care Decision Making in a Senior Living Facility

    Even if you were heavily involved in the decision to place an elderly loved one in a senior living facility, you must have certain legal documents in place to participate in conversations with staff about their medical care.

  • What Is a Professional Fiduciary?

    When friends or family members are unwilling or unable to take responsibility for an elder's legal, financial and medical decisions, professional fiduciary services can ensure that their affairs are taken care of.

  • Understanding Probate and Estate Administration

    When someone you love passes away, the last thing you want to think about is locating legal documents and handling financial matters. Use these steps to make the probate process as simple as possible.

  • Things You Can and Can't Do With Power of Attorney

    Whether you’ve been named as someone else’s power of attorney (POA) or you’re looking to appoint one for yourself, know what rights, responsibilities and limitations come with this legal designation.

  • Confabulation in Dementia Can Feel Like Hurtful Lies

    Memory loss is a hallmark symptom of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, but neurological damage can also cause patients to make up hurtful stories and level false accusations toward their caregivers.

  • Asset Limits for Medicaid Eligibility

    Many people are surprised to learn they don’t have to get rid of all their assets to qualify for Medicaid. A clear understanding of Medicaid resource limits and rules will help you devise the best legal and financial planning strategy for your situation.

  • How to Get Guardianship of an Elderly Parent

    If an aging loved one has not named a durable power of attorney and is losing their ability to think clearly and handle aspects of their daily life due to a medical condition like dementia, it might be time to seek legal guardianship.

  • Advance Care Directives: Preparations for the Unforeseeable Future

    An advance medical directive is a legal document that identifies a person’s health care preferences in the event they become unable to make decisions for themselves. Advance care planning provides invaluable guidance and peace of mind for family members.

  • Understanding Which Assets Must Go Through Probate

    Probate is the court-supervised process of inventorying all a decedent’s assets and distributing them to creditors and inheritors. However, not all property is subject to disposition by a will or the probate process.

  • Avoid the #1 Mistake Elders Make with Health Care Directives

    Eliminate the issue of potential disagreements about your future care by naming a single individual in the health care directive.

  • How Can My Elderly Parent Qualify for Medicaid?

    Find out how annuities play into Medicaid planning for your elderly parents. It may seem hard to believe that annuities can help the elderly qualify for Medicaid - yes, Medicaid. This is sometimes called the "Half-A-Loaf" approach, and in certain cases, it can be a lifesaver for those who need the help the most.

  • How to Get Paid to Be a Caregiver for Parents

    Interested in taking care of elderly parents at home and getting paid? There are many resources that pay family caregivers for their services.

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