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you hope for care receiver's sudden death from heart attack, stroke, anuerism, dying in sleep anything sudden would be better for all concerned rather than watching the very slow decline from Alzheimer's disease or any other dementia.

Glad I so agree with that!

you know that you're going to have a quiet evening and night because your mom has been show timing BIG TIME at her doctor's appointment…poor thing will have no energy left by the time you get home!

So true Glad, sad but true.

You know you are a care giver if you keep your OWN roll of TP, package of wet wipes, suppositories, powder, etc hidden in a box on the right side of the toilet, where Mom can't reach!

You know you are a caregiver, if you've wanted to collect all the best comments from this thread and make it into a funny graphic/postcard. but you never actually have time.
I still really want to try to pick out the best ten or so and make a graphic.

Last night I dreamed my mom was going to stay with my sister for a while, and in my dream I sighed with relief... but suddenly I realised my daughters were coming to visit and the house was a mess.

OMG, I need a day off.

Good idea DaredToCare! Hope you can make a little bit of time. House a mess? Maybe they'll pitch in and help when they see you have an important project to do!

You know you're a caregiver if, you never leave your own glass or plate within arm's reach of anyone else.

You no longer worry if all the prescription medication will kill them.

The sweet smell of roses or vanilla makes you think of laxatives.

You know you are a caregiver when JessieBelle's post makes you go "eeew"

You know you are in a caregiver's house when you can find your way to the bathroom by the brown stains on the carpet

you know you are a caregiver when your daughter calls from college and asks if it's safe to come home for the week end

You know you are a caregiver when you see grandpa marching up and down the street with a broom sick over his shoulder yelling "The're coming the ******* are coming"

You go into the men's room WITH your dad, carry a urinal in your bag and extra clothes in the trunk of the Buick!

...going to church on Sunday is like packing for a long trip.

Everyday is Groundhog day.

When you get up at 3am rush in the bedroom only to step is a full depends?

You go to check on getting ready for bed and she is trying to put pajama top on bottom, one leg in armhole, trying to get neck over hips and you patiently help her do it correctly. But then, you laugh to yourself about it later.

When they look at you with sad puppy dog eyes
because they cannot find their glasses,
that are right where they left them bulging out of their pocket!

The glasses are on a chain around her neck, and sometimes two pair of them. Have to have at least one spare! I imagine they could begin to resemble leis, of Hawaii, if there are enough of them.

Or when he's wearing his eye glasses and finally ask me to help him look for it. When I tell him he's wearing it, he doesn't believe me and still keeps looking around the bed for it. As I approach him to show him his eye glass, I make it a point to show that I'm holding nothing in my hands. When I touch his eye glass, he looks surprised that it's there and says, "Someone is playing tricks on me! Trying to make me go crazy!"

family seem to think its YOU that has dementia and not mum after all she seems fine when they are there. so pissed off.

when youre ALWAYS pissed off.

When even you mistake the phone for the remote

The phone rings in the middle of the night and you pick up the alarm clock and yell "HELLO ! HELLO? HELLO?"

you know you are a caregiver when

They say 'YOU" are trying to make them go crazy!

and you have found ways to make yourself innocent of the charges(crime)!

You know you are a caregiver have to repeat everything, at least twice. What? have to repeat everything, at least twice. WHAT???? have to repeat everything, at least twice!!!!!!!!

You know you are a caregiver stop telling your loved one that their shirt or pants are on backwards and/or inside long as you're not leaving the house.

You know you are a caregiver when you get a voice mail at 3:31 a.m. saying "I looked in my frig and I know what is to come. God will punish you for this." ?????

You know you are a caregiver when you get another voice mail later saying, "I want an explanation for why you arranged for someone to put all that chicken in my freezer. I know you are trying to confuse me." ????? .

You know you are a caregiver when you figure the best answer is "Sorry mother, I thought it was a good idea, but I won't do it again." !!!!!

Half of your clothes have bleach stains from disinfecting everything

you are up to your waist in snow and Mom opens the door and yells' have you found the mailbox yet.

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