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Bridget, I would watch any one of the films listed before a rom-com. I, especially love films in black and white and Westerns are my all time fave.

When I was young we would go to the MGM movie theatre and watch all the war movies and Westerns kicked back on love seats with Shirley Temples being delivered by a cocktail waitress. Hooked me on those great scripts, directors and actors. So much so that my first career was in audio/video production.

I was super blessed to meet a man that was helping Micheal Blake's widow and I shared how much I loved Dances with Wolves, he gave me a signed, hardback copy of every book Mr. Blake had written. The movie is as good as the book, which is uncommon in my experience.

BOJ, I must be the girl exception. I don't like rom-coms. I like war movies - Midway. The Longest Day, A Bridge Too Far. Also like Westerns. Tombstone is my all time favorite, along with Dances With Wolves.

Bundle, I like a few rom-com movies like Pretty Woman. Richard Gere looked his best in that movie. Three men and a baby was very funny too.

i think it's so funny how us girls (of course there are exceptions, but it's true for like 99.999999% of us) love to watch romantic comedy movies, and guys don't. here i am watching one right now and laughing at how i'm a stereotypical girl.


one of my favorite things? rom coms. i can even watch the same one, over and over.

Good night to all the people staying up late!

Atmospheric rivers, polar vortex, weather bombs, named storms.... it's all a just way to make the 24/7 weather channels sound more relevant.

Golden, that's funny about Freecell. Nice to be thought about. Keep on playing for me will ya? I am starting to get it but only at the easy/medium level. Hard and expert? Nah

The physio guy said yesterday that he's seen people's muscles atrophy a great deal in as little as 2 weeks. Scary. My one calf looks minute compared to the good one. So I'll keep plugging away at the exercises. My hubs isn't getting any more patient about this and doesn't seem to understand that when he's in a hurry he's on his own. I told him today I can't rush anywhere right now.

Send, they are always discussing atmospheric rivers here in B.C. Didn't we used to all just say it's raining heavily? LOL

Hi gershun - I understand about doctors who don't ask and don't listen. Mine is somewhat like that though he s a soft spoken person which helps. So glad you found a good physiotherapist. Keep up the homework and you will get there. It's shocking what inactivity does to muscles. I have to tell you something funny. Remember a while back you were talking about the solitaire Free Cell with cwillie, and that you didn't get it. I play it quite often, at an easy level, and when I win it I find myself saying (to myself), "That's one for the gershun"! lol. I guess I am just weird but apart from that I am OK Been playing with supplements and finding some more that help me with the CFS/FM which is great. Haven't had a crash or much of a flare up for some time. Things are moving along OK re the condo and the weather is mild. What more can an old canuck want in January?

send - I know some people who take a cuppa coffee to get to sleep. I'm having a cuppa decaf right now in hopes that it will do something good for me. Normal - what's that?

Looking up the next atmospheric river coming too soon to my area. That is what "They" are calling rain these days.

***Darn! there is a small craft warning! ***

I won't be able to take my row boat out to rescue anyone in the flooded areas.
Guess I will just have to stay home, content to float my rubber duck in the bathtub.

(just joking).

It will become my favorite thing to come here if ever I am up very late at night, or wake up at 3 a.m., 4 a.m. etc.

It is only 10:30 p.m. now, but feels like the tired times of 2:00 a.m. in the past.

Except for a welcome break in the rain (yeah, it is now called an atmospheric river), not much is happening here.

I did read somewhere that persons with a diagnosis of ADHD or ADD (similar to Aspergers) who have sleep issues can get help by drinking a little coffee at night. I don't have those as a diagnosis, but coffee at night does put me to sleep occasionally. The opposite of 'normal' people.

It would be bad to try some coffee at night, and find yourself awake instead. Especially when you are already sleep deprived.

Hello and a goodnight to all you late night good people of 2023!


Hey Golden, I just posted and disappeared again last night. But as to how I am.

Well, I went to my Orthopedic follow-up appt. yesterday. I wasn't pleased. I really don't care for this doctor. She barks and doesn't listen. It's a long story how the appt. went but I'm too tired to explain. I am starting to put some weight on my foot but it is still ailing me. I went to my first physio assessment yesterday. A physio place I selected cause it's close. I was impressed with the guy. He was very thorough and nice. I just completed the exercise homework. Man.........I'm tired. By the time I finished all the exercises and repetitions an hour had gone by. I feel like I just ran a marathon and all I did was some stretches. I guess I'm in bad shape. The bad foot side of my body has so much muscle atrophy. It's gonna take some time.

Thx for asking Golden. How are things with yourself.

Send: You're very welcome. Thank YOU for your kind words.

Hi gershun - how are you?

Almost 2am. here. Hello to whomever is still awake on here.

Thank you Gershun!
I remember when we all would be staying up much later and posting.
Now it is just waking up at all hours of the night and I do better shutting off
the computer early. A self-discipline so I can get more done earlier in the day.

I am happy to still be able to make changes that will improve my life.

I do miss the late night posters.

Hugs to you too Gershun! 🧸️🧸️🧸️

Wonder who is staying up late at night now....

(((((Send)))) Big hugs to you! Always.

Thank you Llama, so sweet of you, always supporting everyone.
You are appreciated, my late night friend.

Send: Sorry for your loss.

My husband and I lost two loved ones in 2022.
Knowing that one is in heaven now is comforting.

If I had only known the last time would be the last time
I would've put off all the things I had to do
I would've stayed a little longer, held on a little tighter
Now what I'd give for one more day with you
'Cause there's a wound here in my heart where something's missing
And they tell me that it's gonna heal with time
But I know you're in a place where all your wounds have been erased
And knowing yours are healed is healing mine
The only scars in Heaven, they won't belong to me and you
There'll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new
And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down
Is that the only scars in Heaven are on the hands that hold you now
I know the road you walked was anything but easy
You picked up your share of scars along the way
Oh, but now you're standing in the sun, you've fought your fight and your race is run
The pain is all a million miles away
The only scars in Heaven, they won't belong to me and you
There'll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new
And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down
Is that the only scars in Heaven, yeah, are on the hands that hold you now
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, for the hands that hold you now
There's not a day goes by that I don't see you
You live on in all the better parts of me
Until I'm standing with you in the sun, I'll fight this fight and this race I'll run
Until I finally see what you can see, oh-oh
The only scars in Heaven, they won't belong to me and you
There'll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new
And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down
Is that the only scars in Heaven are on the hands that hold you now.

Song by Casting Crowns

It is today!

Teacher: I agree about the writing tools.💛

A few of my favorite things: a fountain pen, a beautiful journal, time to reflect and write, pretty scrapbook paper, actual printed photos of my granddaughter, Christmas music, and ,of course, anything chocolate.


"Go without your favorite thing for 3 days. Then go without sleep for 3 days. Turns out your favorite thing is actually sleep."


"My three favorite things are eating my family and not using commas."

I just saw an add for Licorice Allsorts. This is the one candy that rivals chocolate for me, it's dangerous to bring a bag into my house because once I have one I just. can't. stop.🤤

A squirrel came by today, up to my sliding glass door. So cute, so wanting some food, and responded to my voice, begging, and doing a good job of it.
Someone has been training it, feeding it.
I grabbed a few pistachios and it came back. Not exactly peanuts!

Reminds me of Ratatouille we fed for a year, and he left. We decided to stop feeding the squirrels because of possible fleas. It's been about 2 years.

Dh was out all day, comes home, picks up the nuts without saying a word.

I know that if he did not live here, I would be happy as the squirrel lady. But only one tree squirrel, no ground squirrel rats. I would never be lonely.

However, it is best to not have wild animals at your door.

Love Walker's shortbread cookies.

Shortbread cookies.
And premium factory made ones like Walker's are just as good as home made (sometimes better).

brussels sprouts...
i dislike it a little too much. (and the fact that i dislike it makes me happy, so it still counts as 1 of my favorite things).

i like it a little too much.

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