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Your welcome .
Honestly it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long ( 6 months ) .

Never found the remote. A total mystery. Had the neighbor come and fix me up with a new remote, etc. Well Elva I thought it was time to come out with my screen name since everyone is so curious. Actually I kind of had fun with it for a while LOL.

Hey, Roger. What a sweet note!
Does this even include the nosy one (ME)?
I am hoping so!

Did you find the remote?
If you found it in time to watch Survivor don't let me know who won. I have it on record and don't know the answer yet......

Sometimes just listen to people and them knowing you heard them is all they need.

Just don't leaves us!

EEEEK probably not much help.

you are very welcome, and that's what we're here for! And now you can help us with the things you have dealt with!

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