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I now have lovely tidy, dusted bookshelves and am feeling very pleased with myself. As long as I don't turn round and see the ones that wouldn't fit.

Still. There can't be more than a couple of hundred of them..?

Garden, toss the IS and flutters,, they have your spit on them..LOL MAybe keep one of each for your next cold... then you have room for more books

I just finished reading Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. Based on reviews I was prepared to hate this book but I didn't, I found the portrayal of the old man accurate....

"I can stand it no longer. I look down at my plate. Stewed something under pale gravy with a side of pockmarked Jell-O.
“Nurse!” I bark. “Nurse!”
One of them looks up and catches my eye. Since it’s clear I’m not dying, she takes her sweet time getting to me.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Jankowski?”
“How about getting me some real food?”
“I beg your pardon?”“It’s not nursery food.”
“Yes it is. There’s no substance. Look—” I say, dragging my fork through the gravy-covered heap. It falls off in glops, leaving me holding a coated fork. “You call that food? I want something I can sink my teeth into. Something that crunches. And what, exactly, is this supposed to be?” I say, poking the lump of red Jell-O. It jiggles outrageously, like a breast I once knew.
“It’s salad.”
“Salad? Do you see any vegetables? I don’t see any vegetables.”
“It’s fruit salad,” she says, her voice steady but forced.
“Do you see any fruit?”
“Yes. As a matter of fact I do,” she says, pointing at a pock. “There. And there. That’s a piece of banana, and that’s a grape. Why don’t you try it?"

....and the young man convincing.

The end made me roll my eyes a little but smile anyway - who doesn't love it when the hero wins?

CW, read Water for Elephants years ago, I enjoyed it. About an old man in a nursing home,Yes?

I am reading A Man Called Ove, have been working on it for awhile. I am enjoying it. Just a funny, while trying so hard to be grumpy, old man. The book is quite humorous in places.

I too, enjoy Margaret Truman books. Have some tucked away in a box, next move they will be unpacked.

I read Water for Elephants a few months ago and loved it. I actually liked the “old man” even more than the circus parts as I thought it was so real about the life and thoughts of a senior feeling life and respect slip away. Also recently read A Man Called Ove and would rank it as one of my all time favorites. I thought it was so boring for the first few chapters, the. The story really came together and it was fabulous. Now looking forward to the Tom Hanks movie of it, hope they don’t ruin it!

Next read, Educated, just read about it online will see if library has a digital version.

I love cozy mysteries, like those by Laura Childs. And all the ones with recipes included!

Louise Penny writes delightful mysteries. Set in rural Quebec. Chockablock with local eccentrics and wintry scenes. Light and fun, but each yarn gets you thinking....

Good thought Blackhole,, I also love Louise Penny,, And mysteries set in other countries!

Just finished Midnight in the Bright Ideas Bookstore by Matthew Sullivan. I liked mostly the characters, the mystery wasn’t hard to figure out halfway through the book. But a pretty good light read

Love Louise Penny! Her books make me want to move to Three Pines and are a great escape.

Every Last One by Anna Quindlen. Wow. I've run into difficulty lately finding a book/author that holds my interest and have been picking any random library ebook that catches my eye, I just couldn't put it down until I finished. (feeling a little hung over this morning)

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