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Geez all this love for a monarchy that should have been dismantled decades ago. Why did the USA even bother splitting from England in the first place? Maybe we should enact a monarchy here to. Are we forgetting what this beloved queen did to princess Diana and the pedo scandal with her son? Her public mask was a far cry from what she was like behind closed doors.

glad - Yes, Charles III is now the head of the Church of England. Elizabeth II was.

From the web -" The Supreme Governor of the Church of England is the titular head of the Church of England, a position which is vested in the British monarch."

You are absolutely right there is no office in the USA that compares to the monarchy. I agree that most in the US don't grasp the impact of the loss of a beloved monarch.

She was head of the Commonwealth as well, and, as such, our (Canada's) queen. too.

So what y'all are saying is you're going to purchase commemorative plate and or tea set when they are available?

Isn't the Head of the Church of England the Governor, who is the Queen?

Not at all sure. I don't think the majority of us can really grasp the depth of the loss of the Queen to the people of the United Kingdom. We do not have an office in our government that even ranks a close second to what Elizabeth meant to her people. Our presidents, regardless of party, are constantly embroiled in devisivism, and conflict. That goes for every politician that ever served. None have ever even come close to the longevity, stature or class of this Queen.

My deepest sympathies to the people of the United Kingdom, and especially those citizens that are members here.💟💟

Barb - I am 85 now. I was 15 at the time of her coronation and attending boarding school in the UK with a home base in Kent at my aunt (father's sister) and uncle's. We lived in a small town in Canada and my parents decided that my sis and I would benefit from the experience. Mother was born in Norway and my father in England so they still had strong ties overseas. Also, in her wisdom, I believe my BPD mother knew that she was not a good parent for teenagers. In fact she was not a good parent at all, but this decision was a very good one for me. My aunt and uncle had a normal marriage and home, although strange to me in it's very "Britishness" I appreciated the stability of their lives and the wonderful opportunities I had to experience a different culture and country. I remember that first transatlantic flight when I was 14, which had much turmoil and people using the bags provided. Fortunately i was not so affected.

Peggy Sue - not everyone gets dementia as they age, though, certainly many do. The aunt that I lived with was 97 when she died and had al her marbles.

The Head of The Church of England has passed.

Golden, how did you come to be at the coronation? You were 10 or so?

I mean this with all due respect, but I wonder about anyone at 96 remaining so staunchly and obliquely in the public eye.

Sandra Day O Connor quit the Supreme Court in 2006 to care for her husband. He was placed soon after, and O’Connor opined that it was her biggest mistake.

Around 2014, she herself was diagnosed with Alz. She went on to deliver multiple speeches, college graduations, etc. while privately admitting that sometimes she had no memory of the event. In 2018, she finally announced her dx and went to a facility afterward.

She might well have been sitting on SCOTUS until 2018, just as Ronald Reagan was actually president for a year after his reported alz diagnosis leaked out.

A double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace just as her passing was being announced.
What an awesome sign for a beautiful lady that I doubt any of us will ever forget~

sp19690, Well I care and so do others on here, so again...........have some respect.

I keep thinking, "What a leader she was." I don't know how to put it in more words than to say that. She kept composed through so many ups and downs. She was an exemplary professional figure who consistently represented the best in humans, even though I'm sure she had her personal struggles. I wish the US and the world would have more leaders like that.

Queen Elizabeth was an icon. May she rest in peace.

She wasn't my queen. And she's dead so I don't think she cares either way. Plus I doubt she was ever on the aging care forum.

The Queen just died. Let's try to keep it respectful.

I guess that made family reunions easier since they were literally all the same family. Sorry I just don't get intentionally marry your cousin.

The reason the Royal family interbreeds is because they are required to keep their Royal blood line pure. That is the reason they marry cousins. If you research history they used to marry really close generations of cousins - I forget what you call that but it led to many birth defects and mental defects so they try to go as deep into x generation x cousin x removed to avoid that.

My parents were "cousins" and shared the same last name, their great grandparents were brothers. But even though they grew up in the same small rural community they went to different schools and their families didn't travel in the same circles so they didn't really know each other until my mom returned to the area in her 30's.

sp19690, please note distant cousins are those from fourth cousins and beyond. They share common ancestors beyond your great-great-great-grandparents generation. You have 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great grandparents and 32 great-great-great-grandparents. And beyond are 64 great-great-great-grandparents.

I still find it weird that all the Royal family marriages are inbred. I think Megan Markle might be the only exception but I haven't looked into it.

Just looked it up and yes they are distant cousins. No one marries into the Royal family without being related. I think someone needs to tell the Hallmark channel about that.

I'm sadder than I thought I'd be hearing of the Queen's death. She was someone I always took for granted would be here.

I kind of thought she would die shortly after her husband though. I always felt they had a great love. Now they are together again. :)

Great photo show of Queen E's life.

RIP Queen Elizabeth II April 21, 1926 - Sept 8, 2022. Very special lady.
I was in the Canadian section of the stands outside Buckingham Palace when she was crowned on June 2, 1953, Memorable!

I'm in shock - She's always been there, it's like I've lost a huge chunk of my history😢

Sadly the Queen has passed on. Oh how I will miss her, she was such a delight.

🇺🇸 🙏
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Just feeling 😝😝😨😨😫😫

Dialysis is so nice in a 5-star hotel medical clinic.

goodnight from here :).

i just want to say, thanks!!! soooo many of you have helped me in so many ways, without realizing. words here and there (sometimes not even directed at me) - that helped me so much.

through dark times: tough days.

you lifted me up, without knowing it. thanks.

TN, so you live in a beautiful area. Being from the desert southwest I was intrigued by all the flowing water and beautiful vegetation. I thought that this must be a slice of Heaven as I stood by the beautiful rivers in the layers of green. Made me long for a fishing pole.

Pidgeon Forge is only a little over an hour away so my family takes at least a day trip nearly every year. The schools even take a field trip to Dollywood. The skylift up to Ober Gatlinburg is a beautiful trip if you don't mind heights. For an extended trip, we often stay at Claybough's campground for RVs and tents. Trips to Pidgeon Forge's municipal pool (and its diving boards), Dollywood, Dixie Stampede, and many other smaller local venues fill the days while cooking breakfast (and usually lunch and often fire up the grill for supper) while playing in the campground's lazy river, pool, and playground make an affordable trip. It's a piece of home to me, although completely commercial. We've stayed away the last couple of years because of covid and switched to the lake setup because we can get there around everyone's schedule, but we'll eventually make it back.

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