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peewee -so sorry. Mine wanted me to leave my home and life here and rent the apartment next to her so I could look after her -translate - be her servant. They don't appreciate or care how much they negatively affect our health. It's all about them. (((((hugs)))) Good luck with the doctor and the bank.

Bootshop girl, the place where my mom was didn't start out mean. When we first were looking for a place for her we found this place to be really nice. Homey with a nice atmosphere. The nurses were kind and got to know my mom. But they rebuilt the place during my mom's stay and everyone was moved to the new facility. I had made my mom's room really cozy with some of her old furniture and pictures etc. But the new place didn't allow people to have any furniture, hardly any pictures, they fired most of the old staff and stuck my poor mom off in a room at the far end of her floor. My mom died three months later. She was extremely depressed in the new place and I'm sure she lost her will to continue. So when they phoned day after her death and said "get her stuff out of here" I shouldn't have been surprised.

Gershun, ☹️. Having to clear out the room in 24 hours is what happens here too, since we knew about it sis and I started emptying the closet and drawers as soon as mom was moved to the "serenity room". And no sympathy note from the facility, just the final bill... one lady who still lives there after her husband died said that was so callous, she felt she got more support from the cleaning staff than from the administrators.

Same here Willie. No sympathy card either and it was automatic withdrawal so they even tried to take out an extra month's worth.

We got that back though. It was definitely not a labor of love case there. Money, money, money!

HI, I'm new to the site. Im 27 newly married and live with my elderly grandparents. Due to there health I have quit working and am there full time caregiver while my husband works. I need someone to talk to but I've always been the strong one of my family and dont want my husband to worry. I'm so tired, I feel guilty because I'm not just physically tired but emotionally, and tired of taking care of everyone. You see my mother's health declined when I was 12 and I helped take care of her. At 18 i moved out and still helped but had my own place, which was nice. A year later I moved back to help and five years later (jan, of 2015) my mother passed away, it was devastating. I spent the next four years taking care of my dad, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and keeping him from jumping off the ledge(he has PTSD, anxiety, and clinical depression. Losing his wife and best friend made it all worse). I then met the love of my life in may of last year, I moved out of my dads house and in with my at the time boyfriend. It was amazing to have a whole apartment to just us. To be able to have a life again after so long. Three months after we moved in together dad told me my grandparents needed help. My sister has 3 kids and my dad works 2 hours away from them. So all's that was left was me. My boyfriend and I talked and we agreed to move in with them and be there caregivers. We both found jobs near there house, it was all hard but ok. A few months after we moved in we got married (january 4th of this year happiest day of my life❤). However my grandpa fell at midnight on January 12th(he tried to go outside in the middle of the night to pee) He hit his head causing 2 brain bleeds. Surprisingly he was ok after a short stay in the hospital but the fall ment he needed full time care. So I quit my job and started being a full time care giver to them both. I feel guilty for saying it but I'm so tired of taking care of everyone, I want a life. I want a home with my husband, my own family, our own lives. What tipped the ice berg is the other day i told my dad i was feeling sick but knew i had stuff to do anyway(my gpa has an infected cut on his had that requires Epsom salt and ointment three times a day, i also do the cooking, cleaning, pill dispensing, laundry, doctors appointments, and shopping). His response was welcome to mother hood this is exactly like being a mom. After I hung up I cried for hours, because it's like being a mom without the good stuff! I want a child with my husband but I can't have one. My father and sister made that clear to me by saying "are you crazy you cant have a baby at your grandparents house, they cant handle that and they need you." I know they are right but it hurts because I want to be a mom.... sorry I'm rambling but I need advice.... I haven't had a break since we moved in here in september of last year. Everytime I ask for someone to help so my husband and I can get away for a day everyone is busy, has to work, has stuff with kids, ect. And honestly my grandparents cant be left alone for more than about 30 mins at a time...... I'm just so tired...... so stressed..... and so depressed...... I also feel so guilty for feeling like this..... is this a normal feeling or am I just a terrible person?


No, you are not a terrible person! No taking care off an elderly person is not like taking care of a baby. Babies grow up. The elderly decline and die. What a terrible thing to say to a daughter that he said to you! What does your husband think about this? It would make me very angry and I would tell him so! This makes me angry just reading it!

Unless it's late where you live, call your father up and tell him to take care off his parents for you are no longer going to be a martyr and you have a new marriage to work on and hopefully a family to build which can't be done under the present circumstances period. Nor arguing or yelling, just the facts and no which is a complete sentence! If he has the boldness to tell you and your husband not to have a baby, then you have the right to tell him no! You take care of your parents or somehow else make sure they are cared for and safe. I'd give him 2 weeks to a month to get it all together.

Hugs Kira. Eldercare is NOTHING like childcare, in my world those are fighting words. And besides that, your dad should be the one "parenting" his parents, not you and your husband. Every week that goes by without you earning an income takes away from your own contributions to your future social security and saving so that you can afford to start your own family, it's time to set an exit date and focus on your own life. Don't expect anybody to step up with help or solutions until you step back, do expect a lot of flack but be strong!!!

Kira, you are definitely not a bad person. You sound like a saint.

So your Dad has PTSD and is depressed. So that's his excuse for you taking the brunt of this? You are on the way to having PTSD if you don't rectify this. You deserve a life, a baby, all those great things. Get your Dad, your siblings etc. to cough up some cash so you can hire someone to take care of your grandparents. If they start making excuses then you need to put your foot down and start making your own excuses.

Wow..Me..thanks for asking...I am tired mentally and physically today....I am in the process of moving my mom into an independent retirement place. All meals included. Very small lovely place and close to my 3rd floor walkup condo. She was living with my brother for 7 years who is tired of her non stop chatter, messes and hoarding of boxed and canned foods. He is tired of grocery shopping. He wants his retired life back. She is 86, life long depressive and treated, anxious and treated and always focussing on her perceived bad marriage and health concerns..Mom is critical and negative some days. She always feels “rushed”. Dad been gone 13 years. For 4 years now I am the child that has purchased her meds, set up the box of her meds weekly, email Md with concerns, attends Md appointments, takes her to church, helps with showers, and does all her driving. I have been her social life for 4 years. Now I am the one who found the new Affordable place when my brother hit the wall and I am moving all the small stuff there. He will move some big things . I write her checks and monitor her finances. My retirement is stalled. I have no energy left for volunteer work or the HOA board I was on. I focus on daily exercise and take a couple days a week off for me {she texts during the time off}. My brother goes south 2 weeks every month and stays at his girlfriends. I am praying she finds friends at her new home and develops a social life. Some of my duties will need to stay intact..but I have high hope I can get back to my retirement at 69 yr old. I feel your pain...

Well today in the rain, we all had a spa day.. sort of. Mom got a haircut and a pedicure ( its hard for her to do her toenails so a pedi without color is a treat for her) Hubs and I both got haircuts,, I got my color touched up too and I love it (too bad it wont look the same when I style it.. LOL ) and even gave the puppers a bath! This is the first time we got Mom out of the house since her hospital stay, and all went well.


I wonder how much money is spent on our animals. A lot, I’m sure. They are spoiled! I spend a fortune having my schnauzer groomed!

The short hair dogs are so much easier. My greyhound was a dream. No grooming at the doggie salon. He needed bathing and nails clipped but that was it.

Grooming for dogs cost as much as human haircuts. I don’t blame them for charging that much. It’s a lot of work!

Have you heard the latest political correctness with animals?

Apparently, we are not supposed to refer to them as ‘pets’ anymore. They are now our ‘companions.’ The term ‘pet’ goes back to Victorian times where we petted/loved on our animals and the name pet stuck.

So, is ‘pet’ project or ‘pet’ student, etc. all politically incorrect? LOL

The PBS show, NOVA is doing an episode on our relationship with our dogs next week. I can’t wait to watch it.


I’m glad you and mom were able to have a ‘spa day!’ I bet your mom enjoyed the pampering 😊.

Well poor Chloe sure dosent get the full on spa treatment at the local Petsmart,, where they come home with a bow or scarf.. LOL I just put her in the bathtub and run the water and use a pitcher.. she is sooo deprived.. She is a short haired Chug ( part chihuahua and part pug,, but mostly pug in looks and temperament) I do have to take her and my DD chihuahua to the vet to get their nails trimmed a few times a year.. they grow like crazy. I did used to have a Himalayan cat that we had to take to the groomers,, they had to put him asleep to cut his hair and that was a fortune! I have read about the new "terms",, I solve that by calling them my grandog and my baby.. LOL And I wash my grandog Bella in the sink, she only is 4 lbs

I say grandog too!

Woke up this morning around 5am with a pounding headache on right side of my head (front and back), queasy stomach. It’s mango season and I’m allergic to mango. Have mango trees in front of the porch and in the back outside the kitchen window. No air con - so I have all windows and doors open for the breeze to enter.

I took Excedrin. I’m allergic to most sinus medicine, including Sudafed, Claritin, etc... My eyes or nose swells or severe rashes on my lips. I’ve had to find alternative means to deal with my severe sinus. I’m going to describe My exercise routine for sinus pressure. You can skip the rest of my commentary since it will be long and boring. I hope this will help with those dealing with sinus pressure.


Before starting, I washed my hands. I did my usual facial sinus massage using 8 small circular motions on each sinus pressure points on both sides of my face. Eyes close. Starting from the most sensitive part between the corner of my inner eyes and nose bridge. 8 circles going one direction, then 8 the opposite. Ow! That really hurt. And it ‘felt’ squishy.

Then I moved to the next sensitive spots just above the inner eye brows. 8 circles + 8 circles. Then I moved up to the center of my forehead. While tapping that, I also used my tongue to tap the upper roof of my mouth. I repeated #1 and #2, but this time after the 8th circle I swished my fingers up and outwards in opposite direction.

Next is the nose. There is only 1 pressure point at the corner bottom. From experience, I now do the 8 circles starting from the bridge. Then move slightly down 8 circles. Continue until I reach the upper tip. I always feel sensitivity there, too. And squishy feeling. By this stage, my nose is beginning to run. Finally down to the actual pressure points at the bottom nose. 8 circles, then swipe outwards. 8 opposite circles, then swipe out. I stay a little longer on this area because it’s definitely draining my sinus both inside and outside.

Finally, the pressure point a little below my cheekbones. You may want to google a photo of it for accurate position. 8 circles, then swipe outwards. 8 circles opposite direction, then swipe outwards. Sigh... sinus pressure released and I can breathe from both sides.


I get it! Fellow allergy and asthma sufferer!

Feel better 💗. Stay well. Take care. Mega hugs!

In the 20 years of caregiving mom, my dad struggled with high blood pressure. For me, about the 15th year, I started to struggle with borderline cholesterol - for years. Then dad had his stroke. I now had 2 bedridden parents and none of my 7 siblings stepped up to help me. I had a low income full time job which I could not afford to quit. That borderline cholesterol skyrocketed to very high cholesterol in 5 months.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is - I Almost Passed my Cholesterol Test!!!! … my cholesterol(H as in High), LDL(H) and Non HDL(H) went down.  Everything is normal except the HDL which went from 154 to 108.  I'm just 9 points over the optimal value... This means a lot for me. Because it was caregiving 2 bedriddens that got me there. And now, almost 3 years after Dad passed away, I'm almost normal.... It would be a BUMMER if I get the d*rn virus!!! I would be very pissed off! … Ohhh... {{{ knocking on wood }}}

Well done, book. I remember your cholesterol problems. It;s terrible what stress does to us and not good how long it takes us to get back to somewhat normal.

I have a Maine-Coon cat. I take her to the vet when the weather is warm and she gets shaved except for her head, bottom half of her legs and tail. She gets a bath, nails clip, and teeth clean. Then she gets blown dry. When she is done she looks like a small black loin. Lol And man it cost a lot, but she is worth it!)

Love Maine Coons. My little oranges have some Maine Coon in them. They have hairy ears with tufts, follow me around, One wants me to play fetch with her and is extremely intelligent while the other is the friendliest most affectionate thing who purrs easily. They both are energetic. Good company!!!

So happy you got those kitties, golden! Ming plays fetch too.

Book, great it sounds like you are doing just fine. Keep it up.

Golden23, Maine coon cats are beautiful!! They are gorgeous! I have a female ragdolls cat and she is like having a puppy. She greets me at the door and she likes to play fetch with her toys, and she loves to be held and melts in my arms.

Golden does your kitties have the toe tufts? I am glad that you have 2 wonderful kitties to keep you company!😺

Elaine, I have heard that Ragdolls are easy going, are they?

My Maine Coon is shy. She doesn't like anybody but my SO and myself and she will bite if you pick her up and she doesn't know you or if you brush her to long--like for 10 minutes. She hates being brush!!

It will be a very different Easter, kinda, not even the option of visiting the kiddos and grands. Think I will setup a Zoom meeting so I can at least see everyone. DD1 got a mini serving ham, her two kiddos don't like ham. I went to the store this morning and actually scored some TP! Love asparagus for Easter with ham. I have been eating alot of ham this week, took 1/4 of one out of the freezer from earlier this year. So, I got a salmon fillet, will cook together in foil with a bit of garlic and lemon, I actually remembered a lemon.

Did my usual cleaning of the bathroom today instead of Sunday. The temps here on Wednesday were near 80, Thurday mid-70's, Friday mid-60's, today about 70 again. Tomorrow? One of the lowest temps for Easter expected. A high in the 20's with snow. Brrrr!

Today the yard was power raked and cut short, hopefully get that old JohnDeere in for yearly service before it needs cutting again. The guy that did it is a firefighter, so gave him a bit extra. Such a hard life for those first responders now.

Have a great and cheerful Easter all! Be thankful for all you have in spite of the crazy world right now. Cherish your loved ones.

elaine - ragdolls are lovely!!! She sounds like a doll. no pun intended

shell - they have hairier paws than any other cat I have had but not tufted. They both have gorgeous thick coats medium to long haired. Rocky has a small ruff around her neck and a tiny goatee. Pumpkin's coat is the longer and is as soft as could be. She has strange eyes - very round and soft looking. Rocky's eyes are very large and typical Maine Coon shaped. They have lovely fluffy trousers and tails. 😊 Pumpkin is very spontaneous and rushes at anything she wants. I worry about her going on the road in front. She acts before thinking and there is a pesky squirrel in the trees. Rocky is extremely alert and careful. and a one person cat (me). She surveys the territory and takes everything in before she moves. They are so interesting!!!

glad - a different Easter for sure. I am roasting turkey thighs tomorrow. Love the smell of roasting turkey. I have a canned ham (poor substitute, I know) but can make it work, Next grocery order i will get a proper ham. I have some mint chocolate which is a fave of mine for treats and got some fresh raspberries which are awesome. I had to taste test them tonight!!! I will probably have asparagus with my turkey, and maybe roasted cauliflower.

You have had great temps We are still getting a little snow.

Everyone Happy Easter or whatever other holiday you celebrate this time of year. It is different but still can be good. We have much to be thankful for.

Here comes the wind.

Shell, yes my ragdolls cat is so lovable and easy going!! She loves people! My other 2 cats just tolerate her. I got her from the SPCA December 2018. She came from a hoarding situation of 100 ragdolls. She was a backyard breeder. I wanted them all but we were only allowed one. She is turning 5 years old in November and still acts like a kitten. She loves to be brushed, cuddled, held, and I would even kiss her belly and she would let me or anyone else but I have allergies, lol. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, ALL Ragdoll Cats have BIG BLUE EYES.

What the heck was that dream about! Drove my car into the service pit of a semi truck service bay! People that I love and haven't seen for years were there to help. No, not twisteds.

I had a strange dream that my physical therapist was standing beside my bed and told me to get up. It was as if she really said get up and then she was gone.

I reached my stress-handling limit. Woke up at 5:30am with someone burning their trash (illegal since burning trash is permitted at 6am). Woke up again at 7am with another trash burning. I'm sensitive to smoke (cigarette, BBQ, trash burning, etc...) My face stuffs up. If I don't get away from it, my throat closes up.

Then I discovered the kitchen sink and pipe is leaking (water on the floor.) Nephew fixed it. But, I think I reached my limit because I started crying. I don't cry. I hate crying. Crying gives me a d*rn headache. I was finally able to stop it but not before the pounding headache came. It was just a standing there letting the tears fall down. No bawling my head off. And I still got a headache from that. Now, I feel 'off'. I think I was so busy coping with the virus stress, money, work - and didn't realize I was going through depression again. One day at a time. Gotta go dig up that song....

By the way, I almost thought the ragdolls were raggedy Ann dolls until further reading. Nope, you all weren't talking about dolls. =)

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