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SnoopyLove, good for you. I like evening walks. Nice, cool and clean air feels so good.

I signed myself up at a local gym. It's the pool that I want to use. So, I've been going there for 2 weeks, 3 times each week. My lower back pain is getting much better. Once I'm in the pool, I like it, but getting to the gym takes some self discipline. I hope to stick with it for at least a year since I already paid the annual fee.

My Fitbit is still keeping me on the move, for me it's better than a real live exercise buddy. I get a kick out of the way it tries to interpret what I'm doing, today as well as my daily walk I got credit for an outdoor bike ride (mowing the lawn) and two rounds of sport (gardening)😂.

Our OP, Julia Rose originated this thread. 🌹
There are many original threads ongoing years after the OP has left.
Her husband passed in Dec. 2020 and I don't think this courageous
caregiver is coming back right now. I did not know her.

It is a bright sunny day here in SoCal, 78 degrees. I know it is snowing in parts of the country, but wonder how others are exercising, getting in their 10,000,
20,000, or 30,000 steps on Fitbit, returning to the gym in their area, even swimming. Or just staying sane by getting out and exercising?

I have just made a future plan to go to a park, stand before a basketball hoop, and make 5 baskets in a row. I will let you know when I have worked up to ten consecutive baskets. I know that I am a light weight slacker when it comes to exercise, but how are you doing?

Let's keep this thread going and make Julia Rose proud!

Hello, good Saturday morning!

Despite all my walking I'm still slowly gaining weight, and I'm pretty sure I'm consuming fewer calories than I used to too - it's disheartening.
So now I feel like a slacker if I "only" get 10,000 steps a day.

If your Fitbit is making you feel like a slacker, take it off!
You are not a slacker!
It is common for the human body to add weight as we age.
If you eat the same over the years, you will gain.

You might need to eat more to get the nutrition you need to do those 10,000 steps. Change to green things, change the way you cook things, drink green stuff, etc. I think you already know.

Somebody who eats healthy should start a green things thread to encourage us all.

Cwillie, what reasons do you think cause your weight gain?

I have some explanations which may or may not apply to you.

Not all calories are the same. Calories from protein sources help the body lose weight. OTOH, calories from carbs will do the opposite. I always feel bloated when my meal is mostly carbs, but feel good when it has more protein and little carbs.

Calories consumed at 8 am are different from calories consumed at 8 pm. Eating the same amount of calories later in the day tend to cause weight gain. I did this experience and it was true for me.

Decreasing the calorie intake over time will cause the body to adjust and use less energy (lower metabolism), so when we start eating more calories, we will gain weight. Yup, this has been proven again and again for most of us. We diet, lose weight and go back to eating like before then we gain everything back.

Polarbear - It's a habit I've had for decades but I think my number 1 problem is probably snacking at bedtime. I try to be good about what I snack on but I've never been able to stop for any period of time... it's part of my wind down ritual to read in bed with a snack.
Plus life post menopause just requires fewer calories - I've never been one of those women who limit their daily intake to ridiculously low levels because I never needed to be. Now if I go by my fitbit at my height, age and activity level I'm generally burning under 2000 calories per day, and unless I completely cut out every.good.thing. it's really hard to consistently limit myself to that.

Send - I've always been conscious of the way I cook and eat, spent some time dabbling in vegan life. Many times I've looked at a recipe or a product in the store and said no way.... I can remember when people here were going nuts about a recipe for freezing sweet corn that included pounds of butter and cream and I thought they were nuts, if I'm going to load up on cream and butter it had better be part of some decadent dessert, not the main course!

There is just no way I can take my own advice and drink those green things.
I tried, I really tried.


Happy Saturday Exercise Buddies!
Today's exercise could be hauling out those Christmas decorations, and hanging some Christmas lights, if you do that.

Others will be walking, walking, and more walking.

Does anyone use an exercise bicycle or Pelaton?

I still have have the exercise bike I got in the 80's (I think). It lived at my mom's for years and she used to ride it occasionally right up until she couldn't sit astride it anymore. I don't know how she did it because my backside can't stand it for more than 10 minutes 🤔

Since my July surgery I have started gaining weight. I checked for PT out here in rural USA, none with post cancer experience. I came across a research study being conducted by the medical teaching university program in the big city for post treatment exercise. I applied, and was accepted to the study. Time to get off the couch. The study will send me some equipment including a fit bit type device.

Intake is week after next, should be interesting, and virtual. I love living in rural America but we sure don't have the services of populated areas. This program is 100% virtual so very convenient and will get me moving.

🤣 you inspired me to get on my exercise bike today

CW you can always order a more comfortable seat.

I've tried some different seats Glad, so far none of them have felt any better (unfortunately) 🤔

Try to Google "most comfortable seat for exercise bike" there are some interesting options there.

Gave away my wheelchair in October.
I have been done with falling for several years now.

Yay, Sendhelp! That is great.

Update: I have now been doing 20 kettlebell swings per arm each morning since March of this year according to this thread and I am pleased to say that it has paid off! I have some nice muscles now, a bit of definition.

Linking the exercise to another daily task (sweeping under the bird feeders) was the key to doing it consistently enough to get results.

I got up today and went down to the workout room in our bldg. I prefer my outside walks but it's rainy today. So I went on the treadmill for 50 min. at 4 m. p. h., then went up to my place and did some stomach and arm exercises.

I think I'll start trying to do my exercise when I first get up. Just get it over with for the day. Then I can relax and not feel guilty about not exercising.

I have started not eating after 7pm. and that really seems to help with weight loss.

I received my equipment via FedEx yesterday. Included were a step, a rope (not the jumping variety), a withings activity tracker, metronome, Ox pulse meter, a selfie tripod (better make sure I am presentable), tape measure, exercise bands, hmmmm what else?

Now you've got me curious, I wanna know what the rope is for...

It is orange and I also got matching, you know the little flat soccer pylons the kids used for practice? I got two of those, orange of course and they match the rope. It is marked off in increments. Maybe 4 yards long marked with tape each yard? I will check later.

Assessment s tomorrow. I suppose we then I will know.

Withings model is called Move.

Hope the initial assessment happens tomorrow. We are under a high wind warning, up to 100mph for tomorrow. Could easily blow down power lines, then no internet and no assessment. Just when I was starting to look forward to begin to get in shape.

the last two day, I went for long walks. Today, hoping to keep it up, but the winds are too much this morning, hopefully later this afternoon.

Your viking ancestors wouldn't have let a little wind stop them Glad, they'd be out there walking 10 miles, uphill both ways, barefoot😬

Ahh, come on CW. I walked uphill both ways in elementary school in blizzards. It just got boring. 😉 I more enjoy the calmness and being able to enjoy the scenery.

LOL! too cold and windy today to get out for my 3,000 steps. Well, I have a long hall, did it inside, about 1.5 miles back and forth!

I like to pace when I'm on the phone, since sister is long winded I can often get 5000 steps in that way!

It's frigid weather here in B.C. right now. Minus 10 degrees. I won't be going for my outdoor walks cause of that and our workout room is closed due to couch potato days for a bit I guess.

I admire those of you who are dedicated enough to pace while on the phone and walk the hall. Good on ya!

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