I popped in for a minute or two to catch up with everyone, as it's been a long while. Just wanted to say my mom is still hanging in there, 92 yrs come December 26th. Hospice works with us now, what a great organization. A lot of people think of death when they hear Hospice, but they're more about comfort. I'm still doin what I do, except now I'm attending Basketball Officiating School, yep believe it or not, look out NBA I'm coming at ya.
Don't know who's still here and what's going on with you all so I hope you'll comment to catch me all up.
Much respect, love and appreciation to all you wonderful caregivers.
I lost my Mom to Alzheimers September 17, at home, under Hospice Care. She was 89. My only regret is that I did not have them sooner. Each and every one was kind, loving, and professional. They were available 24/7. They were awesome.
What some people fail to understand is that you can "fire' Hospice at any time. If you get better, or if you change your mind.
My Mom had said many times (years ago) that she "hated" hospice - she said this because she did not understand about pallative care and how their efforts allowed her brother (my uncle) to die peacefully at home with his family - just as she did. I truly believe my Mom would have died an agonizing, anxious, traumatic death (we believe she had also developed bladder cancer) had Hospice not come in.
Here is a little history of the program:
The Sisters of Charity, an order of Roman Catholic nuns in Ireland, started the first hospice in Dublin in 1879. Hospitals at that time did not accept patients with fevers or contagious illnesses, so Our Lady's Hospice was a refuge for the infectious, the poor, and the dying. The Sisters kept patients well nourished and comfortable in their last days, and lent their comforting presence to people who had no relatives or friends to care for them.
The modern hospice movement began in 1967 when Dame Cicely Saunders opened St. Christopher's Hospice in London. St. Christopher's Hospice emphasized a multidisciplinary approach to care for the dying, and provided social, spiritual, and emotional support in addition to relieving pain and other physical symptoms. This team approach to hospice is still used today.
I shall look for you on the NBA! Best of everything to you and your mother.