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Absolutely! My wife and I have been caring for my mother for almost 2 years at our house. She has AL/D. I am only 55, which I believe is much too young for Alzheimer's but this past year or so I find myself having similar memory and depression issues as my Mother and it scares the s**t out of me!

Hi Ginger, I do worry but not too much. I am 62 and about 2001 was diagnosed with a form of pre-senile 'dementia'. I had SPEC and PET scans done on my brain and found that I have 4 areas of my brain that no longer process sugar (so 'dead spots')...I have had severe migraines since I was 4 years old and my neurologist is thinking that they may have caused the damage. Two of the spots are on my frontal lobes and my entire personality changed! I went from a hard charging type A to calm, not too bright, very docile, easily-led personality. I have blackouts where time has passed and I am unaware of what has happened unless someone tells me. It can happen at anytime, even I'm not sure what has happened....I cannot count backwards from 100 by 7 or 9. BUT it appears to be stable now. I have to admit that I grieved the loss of my job and my intelligence for a long time. NOT anymore, I like me and as long as I don't get much worse I should be OK. But I have told my children if I get really bad to put me in a home and not feel guilty! I really won't know and I spent years with my dad taking care of my mom with Alz. and I would never want my children to go through that!
Blessings, Lindaz

cajohnston, only early onset is hereditary. (Onset before age 70.)

Let me add that since worrying is a negative force, I try not to engage in it. I'm proactive in lieu of reactive in seeing my doctors and then I give it to our Heavenly FATHER.

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