I'm receiving reports of Dad's increasing confusion. He will take a nap in the afternoon and be convinced, upon waking, that it's now morning and time for breakfast. Apparently, the care home nursing staff is struggling with dealing with this. Maybe someone out there has had this experience with a parent or other loved one. I know when my sister was so very sick, she would sleep with the tv on to help her reorient on waking. Suggestions, please!
He once told them he was going to buy the nursing home and run a "swinger's joint" firing all of them in the process.
We did buy a wall clock with giant numbers and a big digital bedside clock for my ILs when FIL was still alive. His question then became - is that clock right? When you would say it was correct, he would stare at it trying to work out what time of day it was. I don't know if it helped or not, but he did like seeing the time.
I kept cracker snacks for my FIL in his room as he loved "Nabs" - I had never heard the expression before. When the breakfast question came up, I offered him a nabs. Always made him happy.
I think I would offer him a piece of toast and some juice or coffee and say, "Our next meal is coming up pretty soon." Then see if he is oriented better by dinner.