I was at the dollar store and found the one thing I needed the most when Mom was living with me. An Alarm that goes off when a door or cabinet opens!!! I said to myself .... a bit too late for me, but now I can pass this on. If I were greedy I would sell them on here for five dollars.
Juliek - is hospice helping? We used them when my father was dying. They were wonderful. And when we had to go to California for 3 months for my husband's cancer treatment, we were able to get a friend who hadn't been able to find a job to live in and take care of mom for a very low salary since she had free room and board for the 3 months.
Gates on the living room.
Gates on the kitchen.
Removed and internal door so she can see the toilet and doesn't have to wander around to find it.
Alarms on front door.
Locking fence and gate on back yard.
I sleep better now.
Not always but often.
I also came up with a relatively cheap way of cutting down the chances of my fathers wandering which I have found to actually work! While getting him ready for bed I take his shoes and put them in my room. When he rises the first thing he does is looks for his shoes. When he can't readily can't find them he goes back to bed. This method doesn't work all the time but since I have instituted the practice of hiding his shoes at night it has cut his wandering down quite a bit.