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Thanks, need. I hope so too. He went for a walk without his cane today which is progress. Rocky misses going out but she is adjusting, She has a couple of favourite plants she pays attention to and eats a little of the spider plant.

Quite a story about your dd's dog but a happy ending. Glad she got him a seat harness.


No cane…that’s progress!

I’m glad Rocky is adapting. My cat was weird whenever she moved into a new place. She would hide under the sofa until she felt comfortable with her new environment. Then, she would take over! We live with a cat, instead of us living with them.


We live with a cat, instead of them living with us. I was tired when I typed that last night. Obviously, my brain wasn’t functioning properly! LOL 😆

I am so glad all is well with R and you.
Catching up on some reading as I was not on forum for over 2 months, but it looks like most of your problems are resolved.
If only I could sell my place soon, looks like market is changing.
Lots of work to do!

Thx Need and Eva. Since R's house in town was burgled he has found that he has found that he can do much more than he was doing. He still tires more easily and his lower leg swells a bit but he is well on the way to recovery. He does have a lingering cough from having covid a couple of years ago. I guess his immune system is not back to par.

Need - Cats do claim their places! Rocky eats the spider plant regularly, She needs her greens.

Eva - my oldest son just sold his condo in Calgary for more than he asked. It was a very fast sale and quite an average condo so it's a sellers market there. They were able to purchase a very nice condo (definite upgrade from what they had) in Edmonton for a good price. I am very happy for them. He and their cat will stay over night here while their furniture is being moved. Dd says the market in Fort Mc is improving. I hope so. I never want to have to sell a place again but I suppose I will have to. These condos are appreciating.

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