My 90-year-old father has been dealing fairly well, between Parkinson's and depression, but I've noticed over the past few months some repetition of conversations--eg, this past weekend he asked me about my niece's (his granddaughter's) bat mitzvah, which I had attended a couple of weeks ago and talked to him about last week. My question is whether I should let him know, "Dad, fyi, we had this conversation last week" or simply let it go. The reason I am considering the former is that he believes he doesn't need any help (but he does--getting up in a timely manner, taking meds, etc); my stepmother has some help coming in, but I want to make sure my dad is receptive.
My mom has no short-term memory, so she'll ask me the same question 3 times in five minutes. She didn't want help with her meds until she forgot her coumadin for three days straight and had problems with a clot in her foot as a result.You may need to wait for something bigger to take more action. But it sounds like he's already got help coming in, so what is it you're concerned about?