Hi. I'm new here. I went over to see my grandmother a few days ago. Normally she is happy to have a visitor and can sit and chat for a good hour. This time she was sleeping in a chair at a table and could not stay awake to talk at all. When I would touch her on the hand and say something she would lift her head slightly and try to answer but then go right back to sleep. Does anyone know what this means? Did she just have a bad nights sleep? I will be going over again on Wednesday to see if she is any better and to talk to the nurse.
I wouldn't worry too much about it right now although you're right to be wondering if this is normal.
You said you went to see your grandma. So you don't care for her 24/7? Are you involved in her medications? Know what she takes on a regular basis? You said something about a nurse which leads me to believe she's either in assisted living or a nursing home?
Maybe your grandma just had a bad night. Or maybe she is on a medication that she takes at night that isn't out of her system by the next day. A sleeping medication or an anti-anxiety med? If your grandma is all dopey due to medication her medication should be adjusted.
If your grandma is in assisted living or a nursing home talk to the shift nurse about your concerns.
And good for you for visiting your grandma and for wanting to know about her health.