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Not denying it kills; denying the efficacy of masks, social distancing, almost untested vaccines, etc.


You said it all! Keep spreading your message to others.

So sorry for your loss. How awful for your mom and your family.

May your dear mother Rest In Peace.

I am totally astonished by people who are delusional about COVID-19 and deny that it kills.

Well, my mother survived 9 months living in AL. Then someone decided to risk visiting friends or family for Thanksgiving, came to work and passed the virus to my mother. She died 10 days later.

So yes, if you choose to go to church, dine in a restaurant, visit with friends go ahead. But remember that you are not the only person in the world and everything you do has the potential to kill someone else.

Please be patient for a little longer, keep yourself safe.

Sounds like you have bought right into those who have chosen to keep us living in fear. That to me is very sad, as God did not intend for us to do so. We are meant for fellowship and relationship, and both can still be had if we just use our God given common sense. I am happy and proud to say that I have not stopped doing anything that I did prior to Covid. I still go to church, grocery and other shopping, eat out at restaurants with friends, and spend time with my family. I REFUSE to live in fear, as life is too short. Do I wear my mask, and wash my hands often? Of course, as that is part of common sense, but I will not stop living my life, because someone in "authority"(and I use that term loosely)tells me to do otherwise. We are all responsible for our own choices, so if you want to continue to live in fear, that's on you.

I think you may not have listened carefully to Dr. Fauci, Andy. Unless you are a virus he hasn't accused you of being responsible for the "killing of the United States".
Simply mask up when you are out in public and close to other humans, keep social distancing, wash your hands, and act in your own protection thereby, and for the protection of others should someone more careless be infected and have been in your general contact. And take the vaccine when you are able, and no one will accuse you personally of killing anyone. Least of all, Dr. Fauci, who for 80 years has done nothing but attempt to save lives.
For my own part I have come to the point where I do everything I can to protect myself and my partner. I let the general public do as they like. I have come to consider it, sadly, a bit Darwinian. Human's have no natural enemy save themselves, so we must rely on ourselves to occasionally do a cull. We manage that with wars, famines and disease. Sad as it is, it doesn't even work especially well, because as was observed below, most of us SURVIVE disease. We truly are survivers, aren't we. Look at you. 74 and still caring for a Dad, who must be now 92. Stay safe and take good care. And rest assured, you may have some enemies out there, but Dr. Fauci isn't one of them.

Quite a few people I know got Covid and only one, who'd had cancer for years, died. ALL had been staying home, social distancing, wearing masks, etc. BTW, almost all of them were over 65. Seeing this for myself, after reading about it from many other people, doctors included, encouraged me to share it.

You write your age is 74 & your profile says caring for grandfather? It's late here, so I am not so sharp... but I am confused.

This is a very frustrating time for everyone, while you seem to he exhibiting signs of anxiety due to being held hostage by Dr. Fauci. This is not his fault, he is trying to save lives and keep people from having to be hospitalized. It isn't fair I agree, but, wearing masks, washing hands frequently, socially distancing is a necessary evil at this time. It also seems that your depressed because you are limited socially, whereas you can not see your friends at church and maybe you are a people watcher and going to McDonald,s and having a cup of coffee is your way to release and relax. Put a mask on, keep your distance, and get out of your home, go to grocery store or clothing store. Call a friend and talk. Call the pastor of the church. This will pass, but for now ya need to follow the rules to save yourself and others.

So, do your due diligence, do wear mask, and if you're afraid of germy ones, get the disposable ones you wear to the store. Do go outside, away from people. Stay away 8 feet or so, do not say any words that have the letter "P" in it, and Perhaps if you do, step back so you don't spray anyone. There was a TV skit that had people talking with words that ended or had a letter P in it. Years ago that was funny.
Please Pay attention to your Personal Space, and Protect yourself and your LO's and the People around you. Play it Safe. Peace!!!

It seems so unreal, doesn't it? Who would think the world would get hit with something like this. Someone made this virus up, and Mother Nature, just said, ok. I will take it from here? And I certainly didn't think I would know anyone personally that would get it. Well, I guess I was wrong. I know a lot of people who got it in some degree. I talk to my neighbors outside across the the way, over 6 feet apart.
So, now, we just need to stay strong, do your best, and not spread this. WE need to try to slow it down and stop this thing. Now, there is another variant of this? Well, I can only text my friend I used to walk with. NO more walking together with our dogs. It's not worth being around anyone for any period of time.

I haven’t either and I’m under 60 and don’t have secondary health issues. I’m afraid of catching it due to the various long-term complications some are reporting & am afraid of dying.

I go for a long walk with my mask on outdoors 6 days a week for an hour. I go to Walgreens and Trader Joe’s once a week. That’s the extent of my out of the house activities. I am fed up with the isolation like everyone else.

Most people in the US should have access to the vaccine by June. Am hoping to get it when I can.

Hang in there!

Please check the numbers of how many deaths have occurred from people NOT wearing masks, social distancing and acting like COVID-19 isn’t a real dangerous threat to our health.

Please protect yourself and others by following protocols to keep everyone safe.

Deaths have occurred even though some people have followed protocols, due to exposure to a deadly disease. That should tell you how serious COVID-19 is.

Fresh air, sunlight and Vitamin D will NOT prevent COVID-19 from occurring!

Our state was a hot spot for COVID-19 shortly after Mardi Gras.

People were out in the sunshine at parades, receiving lots of vitamin D, with tons of fresh air.

Do you know where many of those people are now? In cemeteries! They died!

No one knew that COVID was in our area so many were unknowingly infected.

Shortly afterwards our mayor and Governor wisely instructed everyone to take precautions by wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing from each other.

Thank God our music festivals and other functions were all cancelled to protect our city.

Please show respect for those who have lost their lives and respect all of their loved ones who are grieving their loss.

It is insane not to do all that we can to keep one another safe.

If the virus is still going strong, even worse some places - especially where people are in lockdown, social distancing, wearing masks, getting vaccines, etc., WHY don't they try doing it the other way? Fresh air, vitamin D from sunlight, no germy masks that are not proven to keep viruses out, and socialization to keep depression , anxiety, and abuse at bay.... "The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result".

Andy, have patience or you will become a patient.

You are 74 years old and your profile is saying you are caring for your grandfather. Oops, the math doesn't add up, as your grandfather would be at least 110.

Or do you mean your grandfather is 74 years old. If that is the case, I can see your frustration on not being able to go out at your age. Even if the covid-19 didn't exist, caring for a person with the health issues your grandfather has, you would be pretty much enclosed in your home as he needs around the clock care.

Now, how would you stop the covid-19? What are your suggestions?

Is your Church doing Zoom services? My institution is, as well as various educational and social classes.

If your religious institution is not, perhaps reach out to other denominations that are? And contact the local Area Agency on Aging to find out what is available in your locale.

I believe that Dr. Fauci is referring to the ignorant people that think they don't have to wear a mask or stay at home, avoid gatherings or anything else that they think is to much sacrifice for them to have to make. So they live as though the Covid 19 is a farce and they endanger others without a care for their fellow man.

Wear a mask, sanitize your hands when out and about, social distance and wash your hands as often as possible and start getting back to living. You will feel better about things if you can do some things that you want.

If you're at a place where dining, gaming, whatever you enjoy is allowed, you're allowed to enjoy them as much as anyone else.

Could be people give you puzzled looks, or downright dirty ones. That's because you are in the cohort most likely to die or be hospitalized...and that's a BIG part of all these restrictions, the deaths and the hosps.

No church or McDonald's lol, the horror. First World Problems at their finest.

You'll be fine.

How old is your grandfather that you are caring for?
Does he even want to go to McDonald's?

Parent(s) in their 90's?

We don't like to see anyone who is a caregiver about to 'lose it'.
Can you tell us what the caregiving issues are? Dr. Fauci and his warnings bring a lot of political baggage in discussions, to be avoided on Aging Care.

Where is your grandfather now?

Andy, my mother is 83 y.o. and has Alzheimer's. I or a caregiver take her out EVERYDAY to places like supermarkets, Costco, Walmart, malls, and other stores for 2 hours to walk around and look at things and people. That is for her exercise and mental well being. We wear masks inside the stores and keep distance. It is SAFE. We also do fast food take-outs about once a week.

Also, I have a very good friend who is 82 y.o. and lives independently. She drives herself to go shopping, to doctor appointments, post office, etc. just as usual. She wears a mask and keeps distance to stay safe. No problem at all.

Staying isolated indoors with no social support is very harmful to your physical and mental health. Go out and enjoy life.

Sounds like you have an axe to grind with Dr. Fauci.

I am very appreciative of Dr. Fauci and everyone else in the medical community.

There are religious services on television and online.

There are take out restaurants for food that is better and healthier than fast food.

Please get your vaccine as soon as you can.

Continue to wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance from others.

All of us must do our part to keep everyone safe.

I'm not sure where you get your news but I haven't seen that, the warnings I've seen are are for all the people doing the opposite.

This has got to stop but you are in the same boat as everyone else. It's a waiting game. In the meantime you can go to the drive through or pick up food to go. There are Church services online or on television.

You are killing the United States? Really? How is that? Are you social distancing and wearing a mask when you go out? If you are then you aren't killing anyone.

It's hard I know but we are all going through it.

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