Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



Can my Mom change the name on her CD's to mine before it is up for renewal?

There are many reasons why transferring assets from an elder to an adult child or other person or entity might be considered, but there are... see more


Will my Mom lose her Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit if she leaves assisted living, and instead lives at h...

Badabbot....Sorry, you cannot receive a higher award because of your wife's needs. All benefits are based on the veteran's... see more


I quit jobs to caregive for Dad (80) 24/7. What monies do I qualify for?

Some states have Medicaid programs where family caregivers can receive funds for self directed care:... see more


She has Medicare part A, but needs part B and E. where to start?

Your Area Agency on Aging: http://www.fortpayne.net/agingprograms/ Ask them about applying for SSI Related Programs specifically:... see more


Is it necessary to do a legal division of assets if all my parent's assets are in a savings account?

In the State of Florida it works like this: The spouse applying for Medicaid cannot have more than $2,000 in their name. It will be... see more


Is it necessary to do a legal division of assets if all my parent's assets are in a savings account?

JessieBelle has it about it. If your parents live in the same state as you, Florida, the Community Spouse (the spouse not receiving... see more


Will my Mom lose her Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit if she leaves assisted living, and instead lives at h...

VA Aid and Attendance Pension is a needs based benefit. If she has already qualified and is receiving benefits, any changes in expenses or... see more


Is it legal to purchase life insurance for my Mom who is in residential care home with her money?

If your mother has cognitive capacity she can certainly enter into contracts and agreements herself. If she does not, you can enter into... see more


Can I qualify for the PACE program if I don't qualify for Medicaid?

"PACE" or "Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly" is a dual Medicare-Medicaid managed care program offered... see more


How can I purchase Dad's house from him (at fair market value) to comply with the look-back period?

Purchasing your father's home as a Medicaid planning strategy will only make sense if you have a plan to dispose of the proceeds he... see more


How and when should assets be assessed to protect aging of the care providing partner?

Planning considerations will largely be dependent on the total dollar value of Medicaid countable assets and the state in which you live as... see more


What's the best way sell Dad's house?

Igloo...Also with respect to NY "changing the law" as you suggested, this is not the case. The basis for purchasing the life... see more


What's the best way sell Dad's house?

Igloo...Just to clarify, I did not suggest a living trust, I suggested the purchase of a life estate in the new home by the elder. ;-)


What's the best way sell Dad's house?

Here is my recommendation: Assuming your father has no other assets, I would suggest not using all of proceeds of the sale towards the... see more


I'm about to sell my home for $100,000. Can I gift some money to my children?

Many confuse the financial requirements for Medicaid Long-Term Care programs with those of other Medicaid and relief programs. There are... see more


Is there a way to protect my Dad's assets from the nursing home?

You are referring to a "Pooled Supplemental Needs Trust" and it is indeed a Medicaid planning tool designed to assist those with... see more


How do I provide financial help to aid my Mom in another state?

I would recommend handling this in a progressive manner, meaning I would try to use the least severe methods first. Initially, I would... see more


Do we need to continue the Medicare supplement and Plan D Rx insurance?

runragged... Part D takes effect the month of Medicaid eligibility. The applicant may have to private pay until the enrollment in Medicaid... see more


Mom's house is paid off but Medicaid is trying to take or put lien on it? What can I do?

So sorry to hear of your loss. Unfortunately your question is a bit to vague to answer. Please elaborate: 1. Was your mother receiving... see more


My Dad is a disabled Vietnam Veteran his wife is in the advanced satges of Alzhiemer's. What assistance is ava...

What is available will depend in part on the compensation currently being received. There are two cash benefit programs available from the... see more

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