Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



$500,000.00 needs to be used, what is the best legal way?

Great response Alzcaregiver.... I will add, however, that not knowing your familial situation or the state in which you live or the... see more


What are the best daily exercises for elderly?

My father's doctor always said: "Sun on the head". By that he meant talk a nice walk everyday. I've also noticed that... see more


I Understand that there is government money paid to a family care giver and that it is $12/hr. How do I get st...

Hi Party and welcome... Help from public programs that pay a caregiver to care for a family member may be available to you depending on... see more


What resources are available for financial assistance?

Welcome Readywriter2... On this site you will find descriptions of programs that may be available. Look under the heading "Money and... see more


My mother has several major illnesses, and she needs hospice. The hospice providers said she would have to dro...

Hi Pcall... Correct me if I am wrong but I am going to assume that "her Partners Advantage" is a Medicare Advantage plan under... see more


If my mother and I are co-owners of a cooperative apartment in NY and she is the primary residence, is the pro...

Something occurred to me...this is a co-op, right? Some co-ops do not have deeds. You are actually a shareholder in the property instead.... see more


How can I get some respite from taking care of my mother at home?

Sleeping and dementia is really challenging. My dad, 82, 5 years with Alz, used to stay up for all hours keeping my mom and caregivers... see more


My sister stole my dad's money. What can I do about it?

Your facts are pretty simple and afford a simple answer with another question: Why not? But I suspect there is more to this case. I'm... see more


My widowed mother with Alzheimer's refuses to give Power of Attorney to a family member. What can I do?

If there is a diagnosis of Alzheimer's you are probably past the point of having a Durable Power of Attorney executed in that one must... see more


What documentation does my mother need to bring the Veterans office that proves she is her ex-husband's caregi...

"Countable income", technically known as "Income for VA Purposes" or "IVAP" is based on the claimants GROSS... see more


Is there any assistance I can get to help my dad pay his rent in a mobile home park?

As Carol suggested, the best place to start would be you local county Area Agency on Aging. They are a clearinghouse for resources and may... see more


My mom refuses to give me Power of Attorney, but she cannot mange her money and is constantly forgetting to pa...

Giving up financial decision making and control is extremely difficult for some elders and it is certainly understandable. Having a DPOA,... see more


What is a last will and testament?

Your state trooper friend is not so off base when he speaks of approaching the judge. More accurately, however, you will be communicating... see more


It seems that my oldest sibling is not concerned about our mom, but rather her house, money and insurance poli...

Although it is certainly not all she should be concerned with, your sibling is correct in her worry about finances and the cost of a... see more


If my mother and I are co-owners of a cooperative apartment in NY and she is the primary residence, is the pro...

Given that the transfer occurred 14 years ago there should be no issue if the deed reflects same. Since you are considering such issues may... see more


My sister stole my dad's money. What can I do about it?

Ann... I am sorry if you felt my comments were judgmental or hurtful. It was certainly not my intent. I contribute to this board to share... see more


My siblings are taking me to court for "mishandling" my parents money. What should I do?

As Carol said, if you did the best you could and can prove it then you should not have any problem and I would not lose any sleep over it. ... see more


Dad wants a divorce from his second wife. Can she get his social security benefits?

No, his wife is not entitled to his social security check. If they divorce, it is possible that a judge could order a portion of his... see more


How can we get home health care for my parents through Medicaid or Medicare if they live with my brother?

Medicare will be of little or no use since it only pays for intermittent, medically necessary, skilled care and your parents are in need of... see more


Where can I apply to receive financial assistance for caring for my 93-year-old aging parent?

This is indeed a very confusing journey. May I encourage you to call rather than just visit the website of your Area Agency on Aging? ... see more

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