Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



My father is in a VA nursing home but his health care is not covered by the VA. He owes about $8,000 after a h...

Your father should immediately apply for Medicaid which will handle all the medical bills retroactive 60 days if he is eligible. Contact... see more


Can my mother still receive my father's social security after she dies?

I am so sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations with the VA. Yours is an unusual case in that it is rare for the process to take... see more


My in-laws were both in nursing homes on Medicaid and have passed away. When their estate is sold does Medicai...

The answer will depend on the state in which you live and how the assets in question were titled before your parents demise. In most... see more


My mom is really comfortable in her nursing home right now. What will we do when all her money is gone?

PirateGal... "Real Advice"? What would like advice on? I have not seen more information regarding elder care on any other site.... see more


If my parents are divorced, is my mother entitled to a portion of my father's Veterans benefits?

Daniel... Then they wouldn't be divorced, would they? You are correct in that there may be exceptions. For instance, if the marriage... see more


Where can someone who has cataracts live until they get them removed?

I agree, grandmom needs to go to a nursing home. It is simply too dangerous for her to remain home. Try not to get too down on... see more


I am trying to find a free Durable Power of Attorney form to download. Could someone tell me where to find th...

Your state bar association website may also have free DPOA, Health Care Surrogate, and Advance Directive forms. However, as mentioned... see more


My mom is really comfortable in her nursing home right now. What will we do when all her money is gone?

Once mom's money is gone either family will pick up the bill or you will have to apply for Medicaid benefits. However, spending down... see more


How can I get paid and take care of my grandmother of whom i am living with?

Regarding the comment from Emily above... Respectfully, I must disagree with Emily's assertion that it is "illegal" to charge... see more


My mother suffers is in the first stages of Alzheimer's and has a serious gambling problem. She won't acknowle...

Does your mother have Durable Power of Attorney naming you as potential attorney-in-fact to manage her affairs? Alternatively, does she... see more


How can I get paid and take care of my grandmother of whom i am living with?

VA Basic pension, Homebound pension, and Aid and Attendance pension are tax-free benefits and do not have to be reported as income to HIM... see more


My mom bought me a care because my van was too high for her to get into. I have no documentation of this gift....

It was smart of you to ask this question. In some states, a Medicaid applicant is permitted to own one vehicle of any value. In others,... see more


What can I do if I need support from my family and friend but they won’t help and I cannot afford to hire help...

I would suggest that you do a search for your local Area on Aging. Every county in the US has one. This will be your starting point, your... see more


What options are available when elderly mother-in-law is asked to leave assisted living facility because of fa...

Unless there truly is medical need or the patient is suffering from dementia I really hate to see nursing home placement for obvious... see more


How can I get paid and take care of my grandmother of whom i am living with?

As you can imagine, this is a very common scenario and unfortunately there is not much help for those in your circumstances. When... see more


If my mom sells her home and uses the revenue to buy a vehicle, are there any restrictions on what type of veh...

Sorry to disagree with other posters, but the answer to your question , without judgment, will depend on what state she lives in. In... see more


What is the line between independent and assisted living?

Medicaid can be a tremendous benefit throughout your grandmother's continuum of care. Benefits are available for home care and... see more


What is the line between independent and assisted living?

My experience tells me that there can be as many determinants as there are people however there are two risks that almost immediately call... see more


Am I allowed to have my father pay me a monthly fee to handle all of his financial affairs?

Good comments above. Here are some more: 1. Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney (and Health Care Surrogate)? If so, you are legally... see more

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