Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



My father lives at home. He is blind, has Alzheimer's, suffers from a broke hip and smokes. How can I become h...

You cannot "get" power of attorney. It is "given". Therefore, if your father lacks cognitive competency, he cannot... see more


How do I know if my mother has life insurance?

There really is no way to know unless you know the name of an insurance company she may have done business with.


We're paying for home health care out of pocket, are these expenses legally tax deductible?

Medical expenses, including the cost of medically necessary home health care, are deductible to the extent they exceed 7.5% of Adjusted... see more


How can I be sure that my dad's reciprocal will is enforceable?

The way your father has set this up has one fatal flaw: At his demise your step-mother can change her will any way she desires. Sure hope... see more


My mom has Alzheimer's and lives at home. Her bank account is dwindling down fast and what she receives from S...

You must immediately explore public benefit options. These will vary by state, county, and sometimes city. You will have to start doing... see more


I have medicare A + B. Will it cover temporary care?

It depends on what you mean by "temporary care". Medicare (I am referring here to "original" Medicare. If you have a... see more


My brother and sister-in-law keep mom's mail, check book, medical and social security cards, but I get no help...

If mother is still competent the decision as to who handles her affairs is hers. If she agrees, you can have a new power of attorney... see more


Are there guidelines for making a caregiver agreement?

Whether the amount you are paid is fair or not is ultimately between you and your family however, if you believe there is a possibility... see more


Shoud we take annuity payments for Mom's healthcare needs from the interest on her annuity or the principle?

Sorry to say the answer is "it depends". One issue is taxation. If the contract was issued prior to August 14, 1982 there may be... see more


Will Medicare pay for respite care for patients with Alzheimer's living at home?

That will depend on the state in which you live. Some still only provide benefits for nursing home care however more and more now have... see more


Do you feel that you have just given up on your parents? That there's nothing much you can provide as funds al...

Maggie...great example of drawing boundaries. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and being so frank.


I think my mom has dementia...we have a doctors appointment today...will he diagnose her with dementia? And do...

A frightening prospect to be sure and obviously you will want to concentrate on what mom will need from a medical perspective first and... see more


Both of my parents live in their own home in Florida and we would like to transfer them to Wisconsin to be clo...

Just to amplify and clarify some of what Carol and Doreen said above... 1. Make sure you understand the distinction between Medicare and... see more


I am in the military and my Dad is in a nursing home which my mom has POA over him. How do I get him to come l...

A POA does not give the attorney-in-fact the ability to determine where the principal will live. It only provides for authority over... see more


My mother is selling her home and will recieve approximately $40,000. She is 70-years-old. Can she protect thi...

Living Trusts...aka Revocable Living Trusts can be an effective tool however I find that when it comes to eldercare planning later in life... see more


Can a senior qualify for Medicaid if they receive Medicare?

Nothing like having more information.... It is true that mom's income is too high for Medicaid. If you are applying for long-term care... see more


What kind of financial help can I get from the VA as my wife's caregiver. I am a Korean War Vet?

Here is the deal on VA and long-term care... 1. There are two types of VA benefits available for non-career military; compensation and... see more


Will an AARP reimbursement disqualify a terminally ill patient from receiving Medicaid?

I am presuming you are speaking of an AARP Medicare supplement policy for someone over the age of 65. If so, the answer is no,... see more


Will Medicare pay for respite care for patients with Alzheimer's living at home?

Unfortunately not. Nor will Medicare pay for adult day care or any other form of custodial care. If funds are limited there are many... see more


How do I handle an unfit sibling who has guardianship of my parent?

You will have to petition the court. If you are challenging an existing guardianship be prepared for an expensive process. To have been... see more

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