Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



Short-term care covered by Medicare has ended and Medicaid hasn't been approved, but my father still needs Ski...

With respect to the VA Pension suggestion above...this pension may also be used to pay home health aides. Some agencies will... see more


Short-term care covered by Medicare has ended and Medicaid hasn't been approved, but my father still needs Ski...

Caution! If your father has resources above Medicaid limits (assets and/or income) his application will be denied! Before you approach the... see more


My brother has Power Of Attorney and I don't think he is looking out for mom. He's not honest or sincere. How...

You cannot challenge a POA without filing for guardianship. Only the person granting POA can revoke it.


We're paying for home health care out of pocket, are these expenses legally tax deductible?

If you are paying aides "off the books" then legitimately deducting the expenses may be problematic.


Can I buy my parents home and give them living estate, so they don't have to sell it when they go to a nursin...

The answer will be state specific as different states have different rules (most, for instance, do not recognize the "enhanced life... see more


Mom has incurable cancer and is moving in with me. Should we leave the mobile home she owns in her name or tra...

If there is no plan to apply for public benefits then by all means go ahead and transfer now....or even better, sell it (unless, of course,... see more


If I pay off my parent's mortgage can I claim it on my income tax?

Here are my concerns: 1. All withdrawals from your 401k are going to be income taxable to you so you will suffer some unnecessary... see more


What are my long-term care insurance payment options?

Two good points, Crowe. Auto-withdrawal for payments will (hopefully) prevent the policy from lapsing unintentionally. Most companies... see more


What are my long-term care insurance payment options?

I had also wanted to add... You can "stabilize" your premium by contracting for a limited premium term (if you can manage it). ... see more


What are my long-term care insurance payment options?

The problem with long-term care insurance is that it is very expensive. I recommend that one not spend more than 6% of disposable income... see more


If I pay off my parent's mortgage can I claim it on my income tax?

No you cannot. What are you trying to accomplish?


My auntie is having money stolen from her by her neighbors. What should we do?

Call the police or the equivalent of Adult Protective Services in your state.


I'm mom's POA. The date on the papers is 2002. She was diagnosed last week with Alzheimer's. Should I ask her...

With respect to some of the comments made... A power of attorney may be one of two types: A Durable Power of Attorney or a Springing... see more


Is a nursing home the right choice?

Try all avenues but to avoid any potential disruption at the nursing home I would suggest investigating hospice programs not affiliated... see more


Is a nursing home the right choice?

I totally understand the feelings you are experiencing. It is soooo hard to watch your loved one go through the difficulties of the aging... see more


I am caring for my Mom (Dementia) thus can't work outside of my home. Will Medicare/Medicaid pay me for being...

That will depend on whether your state participates in what is typically known as a "Cash and Carry" Medicaid Waiver program (the... see more


Are there guidelines for making a caregiver agreement?

Some states (or districts within states) will require that you have quotes in writing from similar professionals who offer similar services... see more


Mom with progressive MS, has retirement that is dwindling. Afraid of loosing home and way of life, no one to h...

NOW is the time to speak to a professional about public benefit planning. From my perspective, the absolute WORSE thing you can do is... see more


Mother plans on selling her home and using the money made to pay for an apartment I'm building for her next to...

I should also add that, if the apartment is a separate residence available for purchase, she could purchase the apartment from you and deem... see more


Mother plans on selling her home and using the money made to pay for an apartment I'm building for her next to...

You have a unique planning opportunity which I will attempt to succinctly convey here. Mother can create what is known as a "life... see more

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