Marlo assists with the journalistic direction of, researching and writing articles on all aspects of elder care. Serving as a contributing editor since’s inception in 2007, her primary goal is to provide family caregivers with quality information that is engaging, informative and supportive.


Sleep better at night with these tips that will help you change your bad sleep habits to good. Get a good night's sleep and beat insomnia.

Medicare and Medicaid’s PACE program is an optional benefit that provides home- and community-based care for older adults who are at risk of nursing home placement.

Immediate family often serves as the foundation of a senior’s care team, but relationship dynamics can hinder vital planning and decision-making processes. Discover simple do’s and don’ts that will make care meetings less complicated and more productive.

Alzheimer’s disease erases memories of familiar surroundings, often causing disoriented seniors to wander away from home. Explore the following wandering prevention products and strategies to keep a dementia patient safe at home.

Any Alzheimer's and dementia caregiver is aware of the risk of their loved one wandering. The issue of wandering is one of the most expensive and life-threatening situations in the United States. Public safety workers and emergency response teams recognize this growing problem. Now there are services with tracking devices for families of loved ones that face this risk.

Although it’s common for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to occasionally become agitated, angry or aggressive, redirection techniques are an effective method of managing these difficult behaviors.

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the prevention and treatment of influenza. Get your facts straight and learn how to protect yourself and your aging loved ones from this nasty viral infection.

What services does hospice provided to someone who has cancer and is terminally ill?

With heart disease it can be difficult to understand when to call hospice. Explore the guidelines for determining when to bring in hospice in the end stages of heart disease.

As a family caregiver, you know you need to de-stress, but who has the time and money for regular yoga classes or professional massages? Try using these six simple ways to reduce stress in the comfort of your own home.

Do you feel stressed out? Here are some surprising (and quick) ways to instantly let go of stress.

New technology allows your parent to wear a device that no longer has to be pressed should they require help in an emergency. If they fall, the device sends a signal—your parent does not have to press a panic button.

Long-term care insurance policies cover the cost of assisted living, nursing homes, home health care and other services related to long-term health care.

At what age should you purchase long-term care insurance? The younger you are, the lower the premiums, but there are risks and benefits to the timing of starting a long-term care policy.

Our inner voice is often a source of stress, self-doubt, unhappiness and worry in our lives. Get out of the habit of being your own worst critic by replacing destructive thoughts with positive and realistic ones.

There are many considerations to take into account when buying a long-term care insurance policy. Make a better long-term care insurance purchase and save money after taking a look at these factors.

What is a CCRC? Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) explained: What they are, what to expect, how to find one and how to pay for one.

Would you know what to do if you suddenly had to take over managing money and paying bills for your parent? Here are 10 things you need to know before assuming this responsibility.

Countless family caregivers rely on optimism and a sense of humor to power through the most challenging aspects of caring for an aging loved one. Lighten up your day by reading funny and uplifting stories from real caregivers like you.

We're all guilty of occasionally dragging our feet when it comes to important and mundane tasks, but these tips will help you end this bad habit and start leading a more productive life.

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