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I know responding to fossil posts is weird. But others might also stumble on here looking for similar solutions. There are a few nutritional things which can somewhat decrease Alzheimer's and perhaps other dementias symptoms, though, they won't likely cure it.
Broad-spectrum, hi-count probiotics daily, organic virgin cold-pressed coconut oil daily, and other supplements, have helped many.
Meal-replacement formulas can be found at most drugstores, grocery stores, Walmart's, Costco's, etc. More come to market all the time.
Even more can be found at health food stores or Co-Op grocers, as powders and ready-to-drink single-servings.
The real question is: what nutritional focus is needed for your elder?
Just need calories? Protein? Don't care about nutritional value it has? Limit sugar? Does your person need more nutritional value?
Sometimes easier to MAKE a formula at home, using easy-to-get ingredients. Some off-shelf basic powders that mix with water, etc., others, need more separate ingredients to target special needs.
We've tried MANY ready-made powders; most are junk; I look for ones that have best nutritional profile, then build on them.
Some recipes start with a base of plain or vanilla soy milk [Costco], to which I add 1/2 pod of concentrated "Goodbelly" probiotics to one liter of soy milk, then allow to ferment overnight in the refrigerator.
To 1 cup of Goodbelly fermented Soy Milk, add: 2 heaping tsp. Nutritional yeast [local CoOp grocer or online], 1 to 2 scoop Amazing Greens powder [Costco, 45 servings I think], and a scooper of mineral powder.
If I want to sweeten it, can add some 100% fruit juice, or a small amount of stevia, monk fruit, or other.
I've also used 1 c. Goodbelly fermented soy milk + 1 or 2 raw organic free range eggs, vanilla, coconut sugar or honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. spices, mineral powder and 1 Tblsp. flax seeds, 2 tsp. nutritional yeast, and a dollop of MCT oil... blenderize, to make an eggnog-like nutritious drink.
The flax seeds give good fats and nutrients too, plus they thicken the liquid.
Most elders [and family members] think it's a treat...really, they are getting good nutrition.
If someone needs more calories, or needs good fats to control seizures, add those, and/or boost the MCT oil, and/or add another egg. And perhaps add some protein powder.
These are quick, easy, and tasty enough that people drink them; they are also diabetic safe...for those, I take more care to use stevia and monk fruit, and make sure the minerals are in it, since those help the body use carbs, and, help the tastebuds taste.
Everyone's tastebuds differ though, so you might want to play with recipes a bit to find the right amounts of ingredients for you.
We keep chia and flax seeds in the fridge; never grind them until use.
We keep nutritional yeast on hand, since it's cheaper than good B-Vit. supplements, and doesn't require pill-swallowing.
We keep a good mineral supplement powder on hand, such as Mt. Capra Mineral Whey, or Mezotrace mineral powder [health food stores, or online], as those help so many things!
Also, usually have some good-quality protein powder on hand, such as Mt. Capra's, or Terra's whey, in case anyone needs more protein.
Soy has a component that blocks absorption of certain nutrients; that is why it's important to ferment it with good probiotics.
I found the 4-packs of extra-strength GoodBelly probiotics pods, at our local CoOp grocery: one pod will ferment two liter boxes of the Costco Soymilk; those keep in the fridge for several might get a bit thicker, but it's good.
The other easy/tasty probiotics are in commercially made Kombucha.
Costco has carried a 6-pack of ginger Kombucha. Grocery Outlet often has many flavors of Kombucha, Kefir, etc., too...their prices almost match Costco's, whereas the CoOp kombucha can cost at least $1+more per bottle.
Berry flavors are great; Cinnamon flavor is interesting.
All taste refreshingly fizzy, and a great alternative to sodapop or empty calorie sugary drinks, as long as your elder can tolerate that [no swallowing problems].
It will "go flat" if left open a little...just like sodapop, the fizz depletes if container allows it to escape.
Big reason for probiotics: Nothing so far, has been able to completely stop progress of Alzheimer's. But new things DO come up....and MIGHT be helpful. This article just landed in my in-box:
It's a study about using [_broad-spectrum_] probiotics supplement daily, to help decrease the severity of Alzheimer's.
At least one strain of good bacteria can also help reduce depression and anxiety [L. Rhamnosus]
IDK if probiotics also help other Dementias, _but it very well might_, since gut health is what every other system depends on.
Virgin organic cold-pressed coconut oil might also help slow it down; some swear by it.
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At this time, there is no treatment to cure, delay or stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease. FDA-approved drugs temporarily slow worsening of symptoms for about 6 to 12 months, on average, for about half of the individuals who take them.

Reproduced with permission from the Alzheimer’s Association. © 2012 Alzheimer’s Association.
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