Coy Cross, PhD, spent years questioning the role of faith in his life. But when his beloved wife, Carol, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it was the lessons of Rev. Carol Ruth Knox that helped him accept his role as a male caregiver. Coy has chronicled his caregiving and spiritual paths in the book, “The Dhance: A Caregiver’s Search for Meaning.”


When my wife was diagnosed with Stage III cancer I knew our lives would never be the same. I'd been a caregiver once before, but this time would be much different.

Becoming a caregiver for the one you love will change your life. Despite your best and greatest efforts, things will never be the same.

Here’s why I think caregivers are some of the most courageous people out there.

Many people do not take the time to listen carefully to one another, and for this reason, hurt feelings and misunderstandings abound. Caregivers can avoid these challenges by listening at a deeper level and encouraging others to do the same.

Too many people avoid the "hard talks" by postponing them, but such conversations are essential to making sure an elderly loved one's medical care respects their personal preferences.

Another "hard talk" Carol and I had before her diagnosis with ovarian cancer was the need to balance quality of life and quantity of life.

When we are confronted with a potentially fatal diagnosis for ourselves or a loved one, we can find ourselves caught up in endless cycle of "why." Don't get stuck questioning, take action for yourself and your loved ones.

I determined I could be my wife's caregiver, while running a small business and parenting four school-age children—and, I could do this all without asking for help.

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