I've made spreadsheets with all of our medications and vaccination on one sheet, and another spreadsheet with surgical and doctor's visits.
They're on the fridge and I also uploaded them to my phone.
The spreadsheet columns on the first med sheet is the medication generic, with brand name in parens): What it looks like: The purpose: the mgs: the times to take it, and who prescribed it.
I also put the vaccinations i.e COVID, Shingles, Flu, and family history.

On the second sheet I enter the date: reason for doctor visit/surgery/test: the Tx, the Dx, the Rx prescribed, the results of any tests, and followup dates.

I also put the last 3-4 lab results and the doctors the patient has.

I do this for myself, my hubs, and friends and family.

I've got everything but not in one place. Goood advice.

This is a very helpful thing to do. I am doing it for my sons to have when a time comes that it is needed.

I will do this for myself and make sure my children each have a copy. Helpful article.
Thank you.

This was very informative and a must for everyone to have on hand. We all think we'll do it later; there's plenty of time. But we all need to be ready for those emergencies. Thank you!

Thanks. I had some of the things gathered already but need to complete. Very helpful.

I like this. Super helpful. I certainly had to do a lot of this myself. We have my mom's stuff on the fridge (and my phone).

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