I have read where some workers will take FMLA [Family Medical Leave Act] where a person can take up to 3 months off within an one year period without fear of losing their job.

I was glad I didn't use FMLA because when I first was helping my parents I came down with a very serious medical condition thus I was out for almost 3 months. Plus my employer had AFLAC type insurance that paid me part of my salary.

So for helping my parents I used up all my vacation days, all my sick days, and days without pay. It was my decision to do that as my parents refused to have caregivers come into their home.

Eventually my job was eliminated because of all the time I had taken off regarding my parents. Headquarters had noticed the work was still getting done by other employees, so after close to 25 years I was let go. I have a lot of resentment, not toward that company, but what my parents had put me through [I know, it was my decision].

Maybe we can just borrow more money for the State? Just another say we are going to pay for it and then borrow. The state is now the driver of the economy not the private sector. Socialism. Concentrate power and money in the hands of the government and the wealthly. Didn't happen over night we have been working towards this for decades. Pretend to love small business? What a joke? Can't survive without government and subsidies. Paid for by the workers and government, what a novel idea ! We aren't paying for the social programs we have now so makes perfect sense to add more and more programs doesn't it ?

Thank you all for so much information. I think very soon i will become a full-time caregiver for my mom. How do I apply for a family leave?

I absolutely disagree with this benefit. Recently someone I know received California paid medical leave to care for her mother in Germany. How is that right? Her mother can live on her own the rest of the year? I do not want to spend my tax dollars on helping someone to have a vacation. Until we can get control over expenses in this country we should not be layering on more expenses.

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