Thank you so much for sharing. My husband has been diagnosed with "parkinsonism." He is also a very intelligent man, PhD in Pharmacology. He won't talk about his feelings, so your post helps me to understand what he must be feeling. His short time memory is shot, his balance is off and even with meds, he shakes when under stress. He also does funny things -- puts something in the pantry instead of the freezer, forgets the way to his Dr's office, etc. But I loved your post, so thanks again.

Sounds a lot more like immediate and short term memory impairment and medication reactions rather than Alz. This is exactly the kind of thing that happens to me all day long (except not knowing where music is coming from).

Having a pharmaceutical research background, I wonder what Dr Hilfiker is doing to slow the progression of the condition. Interesting new research implicates blood sugar levels and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be counteracted with a good anti-oxidant like alpha lipoic acid.

This article gives amazing insight to caregivers of loved ones experiencing the ravages of dementia. To begin to understand what they are feeling and how they try to cope, with memory loss especially, is truly helpful in our day-to-day dealings with them. Thankfully, Dr. Hilfiker still maintains his wisdom and shares it with us.

Very lovely, heart warming to read. The comment about wisdom struck me. I think perhaps the whole of awareness can remain and it is the transient details of our personal life story that sort of start to blow away with the wind.

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