I have just lost my wife of 40 years she was taking amlodipine calcium chanel blocker blood pressure drug and I unwhitingly made her very ill by squeezing fresh oranges. Firstly slowly over 60 days I gave her juice mornings when she took med bed time. She be came very poorly was admitted to hospital and detoxified and came home her normal happy self, but whilst in hospital med changed morning taking so when home this ment drug and fresh orange were taken at the same time and the result was devasting she become very very poorly over 3 days at which time I understood what was the cause, but she never recovered. So now I eat good food as I feel it is safer than taking drugs which which don't come with acurate warning informatiom of the danger of being toxic when combined with fresh fruit.

Good article. Very helpful. I have also read that adding too much black pepper to your meals can interfere with many medications and can even cause accidental overdoses:

Informative article.

I asked my cardiologist (lipid researcher at a University) whether grapefruit juice would interfere with my husband's statins. He said that if he drank it by the quart it might, but since he had no side effects at the level he was drinking the juice not to worry about it.

Different clinics have widely differing attitudes toward blood-thinners and vitamin K. My friend stopped putting lettuce on her husband's sandwiches because the nurse and scared them so much about eating greens. At my husband's clinic the attitude was "It's our job to fit your dosage to your dietary habits. Continue eating healthy meals and we'll determine what dosage to put you on, and adjust it as needed."

The best advice in this article is to talk to your doctor about any potential interactions with food or with alcohol.

I never realized how much normal daily foods could interact with medicines like that. This was a very informative article. Thanks!

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