I am the Caregiver for my Mom and I can't leave my Mother. She doesn't want me to leave her so this is Helpful. This list of do's and dont's has me needing to change everything. Driving is out because my Driver's Licence was stolen and my Glasses were busted by house guests visiting My Mom. I have a corrective Lense Condition on my Licence.

Thanks for posting this article. It helped me a lot. :D

Taking a walk and spending time with family is not enough to cure a serious case of SAD -- especially if the walk involves wind-chill temperatures way below zero! And especially if you are at work during all daylight hours and would need to walk at night. It is the sunlight that can be very good for you, but for me that is more than offset by the cold and the very real risk of falling on icy streets or sidewalks that aren't cleared well. Nice idea, but not very practical in northern climates.

There is a strong correlation with blood pressure variation. In a recent study, it was noted that in winter average blood pressure is higher suggesting a 25-35% higher risk for heart attacks and heart failure in winter. We need to monitor blood pressure esp in winter and compare to our baseline in summer to manage the risk better.

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