The elderly, the young, the unemployeed and the poor. Nearest place to both my elderly father & my kids in Michigan on the HRSA website is 26.5 miles away with no bus service.

I agree PCVS. The first cuts always come from the people which need it the most -- The Elderly. Our Mothers, our Fathers.......Our Senior Citizens! !

Sadly, this does not help those of us who prefer natural medicine services such as naturopaths over the standard pill pushing allopaths.

And what about preventative health services (ie wellness health) so that we don't need to run to physicians so often?

Health care in the USA is so very much not what it could and should be.

Moreover, are there more underserved people in CA than in, say, Appalachia or Oregon?

Well I guess it's too bad everyone who needs affordable health care doesn't live in California then. What about all the cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that's going to take effect, possibly starting as early as next year, under the Obama's deficit cutting plan? What are our Elderly doing to do then?

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