Easy to say to keep your full time job, but even if you have a parent in Assisted Living or a nursing home, try taking care of bills, houses, doctor's visits, meds, personal needs of the parents, overseeing care, trips to the hospital for ER, surgeries, and testing... plus taking care of your own life. I have a vivid memory of being on the phone with the doctor at a major hospital in Boston, barely understanding him because English was his second language, while my boss stood in from of me at my desk giving me orders. It's a financial loss to have an elderly parent needing care... did they need a study for that?!?

When my children were 6 and 3, I became legally responsible for both parents who, unfortunately, we dying simultaneously. I left work for 7+ years and yes, lost wages were a multiple of what you estimate.Fortunately, boomers are building an infrastructure so our children won't have to take time off for us. Thanks to MetLife and others for highlighting the financial considerations.

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