The first two comments are really excellent. We all need to avoid processed foods and prepare the best quality food we can afford, with good quality protein and fresh vegetables and fruits. Aside from that, the article itself, although it contains some good advice, is sadly outdated. Even the national guidelines no longer tell us to avoid cholesterol and saturated fats. Instead they tell us to avoid hydrogenated oil and transfats, and to cut way back on simple carbs (white flour products, white rice, white potatoes) and sugars. We need an article that is updated to current standards. There is a lot of excitement about sime someconstructive changes. The Mediterranean diet still seems to be the best lifestyle choice if you are looking for guidelines.

Fresh fruits and vegetables do not have any labels. You always know what you are getting! :-) Good article though for those times when we must resort to a can or package for convenience.

Rule of thumb: the more processed a food the less healthy it is for you. As a caregiver I truly understand the temptation to make life a bit easier by using pre-packaged foods. Better would be simple cooking - sautee, raw foods, etc.

Rule of Thumb 2: the more ingredients on the package, the less healthy the "food" in the package is. Especially if some of those ingredients are not actually food.

Huh. I should write a cook book for caregivers.

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