Here’s a funny one:
My grocery store told us that when we shop all we need to be safe from the corona virus is to wear gloves and a face mask. Well... they lied! When I went there, everyone had clothes on! 😁

If all of us don't laugh, we will cry! Besides the 3-4 loads of laundry a day, searching for the smell of urine in dad's bedroom (um, DO NOT leave a wire basket in the room!), think creatively! My husband zip tied a walker to dad's bed with a urinal attached to a Foley bag so that he would not be afraid of "falling" (you can find them on the net), and dad was doing well ~ until the other evening. He ripped the walker off from the bed frame, and he headed down the hallway with his walker until we woke up to the house lit up like a Christmas tree! Now, instead of 2 zip-ties attaching the walker with the urinal Foley bag, it is attached by SEVERAL ties, so that dad can't walk off in the middle of the night when we are sleeping and "go shopping."

Isn't it interesting that there is also on this site an article that encourages us to go ahead and cry? :-)

when I was just a kid, my dad and I started a mash potato tradition... whenever we had mashed potatos, id thrown some on his plate and he'd throw them at me; it enraged my stepmother, but that was part of the fun.

now its 50 years later; dad is 91 and im 63 and we still throw mashed potatoes at each other. I've sinced only done so half heartly; afraid to make a mess... we'd get it on the walls, the table, the floor. now my husband tries to oversee it; and so ive tempered myself... but never mind about that now! its MASHED POTATO TIME! :)

laughing is good for the mind heart and soul i,m sure jesus laughedand cryed to .if you laugh your pain threshhold will go up ,i think thats why babys and many old people laugh.

When did it become 'normal' to get a bunch of people in a room and either all laugh or scream to the top of their lungs together? What happened to just laughing about the ridiculousness of something without having to have company? Are people needing permission to laugh, cry or holler these days?I missed that memo I guess.

Here's a laugh: During the advancing of Alzheimers - somedays she knew us, sometimes not - on my mothers 85th birthday, since I lived the furthest away and saw her the least, I decided to extend my time with her for a few hours after our family celebration (just siblings). My brother called me on my cell just minutes after I left. Mom had come into the house saying "I don't know who that lady is, but I didn't think she would ever leave!" Mom, gracious to the end!

You can also find Laughter Clubs through or become a Certified Laughter Leader yourself! Some great resources there about their Good Hearted Living program too - we use it every day!

when i was a teenager afriend of mine stayed at our house ,my mom always made pancakes,but she wouldn,t always get the lumps out of the flower,well my friend and i sat down to eat them and when he bit into the pancake the flower went all over we went in the bathroom and started laughing so hard he fell in the bath tubboth our stomach hurt from laughing so hard ,ive never forgot the look on his face. i have chuckled many times over that. i,ve always been a laughfer.

Tracey, great blog. I am an artist as well as my mom's 36 hour a day caregiver. My blog is an art blog but I am planning on posting a series of artist as caregiver posts and you have encouraged me.

Hey guys:
Read the beginnings of the Grossed Out Need to Vent thread right here on this website:

If you like it keep reading.... there's some laughs in there from some pretty stressed out caregivers and nothing says funny like the truth from those who have walked the walk.



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