thanks for advising me to get the cash out of the bank and put it under my mattress! I appreciate the article..a lot....I just think all of this has gotten out of hand in the world today. I will definitely go back to the old way of don't gain interest in the bank on a savings account, so why keep it there. This way no one can take it if they can't find it...under the bed or somewhere...

I think this article is right on target. One other thing to watch out for are the EMT workers. One of them came to my friends father's house on a 911 call. He handed my him a business card with his phone number on it, and told him "You don't have to call 911, just call me ... I live 5 minutes away and will be here faster than the fire department." Then he started "dropping by" to check on him, and worked his way into my friends father's life.
Needless to say, this man got Power of Attorney and Guardianship over my father. He emptied the bank accounts, had his will changed, took his car & house, and eventually killed him. Yes, he killed him . . .
My friend was the only living family member, and can't even get pictures or mementos from his Dad's house.
In the will he had my friends father donate 2/3 of his estate to charity. The original will was leaving most of his things to my friend ... no mention of charity.
BEWARE ...He also has police that work with him on these cons. Even the autopsy report was strange ... How does someone die of a broken femur (thigh bone)? That's what was put down as his "cause of death".
My friends father called him and begged him for help ... but it was too late.
BE CAREFUL ... The private investigator we hired, found out that a lot of the EMT workers in Florida do this too.

It is horrible on how people prey on the elderly. We are amazed that everyone will gt credit checks done but very few people will get a background check done. Not everyone will use your identity to buy things. Your identity is also sold to other people.

This also happened to my mother-in-law. We found out that someone was living with her name and social security in New Mexico. If it was not caught it would have really messed with her and her social security.

It is horrible on how people prey on the elderly website: ekentech hears stories about this all the time with our clients. We are amazed that everyone will gt credit checks done but very few people will get a website: eknowid done. Not everyone will use your identity to buy things. Your identity is also sold to other people.

my mom as a victum of her signature being stolen ,who do i call,how do i get justice.i called local police simply stated its a civil matter,so i have to file suit civil court .or just be a good victum and do nothing

my daughter in law stole my id and got credit cards, ruined my credit...she works in a nursing home and i think she will steal again...i didn't have her arrested because of my grandsons...BAD MISTAKE!!!...always prosecute, no matter who it is...she also went through my purse i think while i was visiting and emptied my bank account of my social security check...she did this for years, passed bad checks, went to jail...really, i hope she does it again and goes to jail for a LONG time....i made a bad emotional decision not to put her away, she is a sociopath and of course, no remorse for any of her actions...but she will do it again...court ordered drug testing, counceling, etc....i would never ever allow her to care for anyone i know in a nursing facility

its not right to do this at all

and I'm her primary Caregiver. What can we do? Please help?

My Mother was the victim of Credit Card Fraud 5 years ago and we're still living the nightmare. Two credit cards of hers had over $25,000 worth of fraudulent charges on them. I couldn't get a straight answer from anyone and before I knew it, the accounts were sent to Collections. There was a judgement against both of us because my name was on her cards as an authorized user. We just got a letter from a Lawyer representing the collection agency saying we now owe over $31,000 because of interest accumulated. My mother is 88 years old an

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