Dark urine is an indication of dehydration and possibly an Urinary tract infection or even blood in the urine.
‘You should get her blood and urine checked out by her doc.
Good hydration and eating real foods will go a long way in helping her.
Good luck and I wish both of you well in the outcome.

Thanks for sharing this article regarding sign of kidney pain. These are some major signs for kidney pain:
1. High Blood Pressure
2. Changes in the amount and number of times urine is passed.
3. Blood in your urine.
4. Tiredness
5. Difficulty sleeping
6. Headaches
7. Shortness of breath
8. Nausea and Vomiting
You have notice them and consult with doctor do not ignore them.

My mom has end stage kidney disease land today she is leaking dark colored urine but constantly and not at her will. Does anyone know why? She at home and declined dyalisis or any treatment

My mom is constantly leaking a dark colored fluid it just started today

I agree with tuhumom. Don't expect your doctor to do all the homework for you. I was not given correct information and I also know others who were swayed by the myth that they should rely on doctors instead of their own common sense. After I realized what had happened, I was given a death sentence and many threats by my "recommended" nephrologist. I chose to ditch appointment addiction and left. I simply did not believe the message of hopelessness I was hearing. I listened to my body instead. I avoid salt and processed food (anything in a pretty package, which is a far more economical way to eat, anyway). Years passed. I got better! I feel better. I feel MUCH less fatigued. I no longer swell up. I no longer have itchy skin. I am amazed at the improvement. Last time I went to the doctor's, I said nothing but asked for a kidney panel to be done. She called me and said all kidney functioning was normal. I asked her to repeat this and she did. "Normal. You have nothing to worry about." I've saved money, saved on my food bill, saved on medical bills, and saved my life, too.

as a 78 year old male with diabetes mellitus and stage 3 kidney disease i found your articles very helpful.
thank you.

I have all the symptoms of kidney disease.

I'm 26 this February I would of know and the doctor for 3 years and they or not doing nothing about it. It now got worst we talk about when they would put the shunts in. I kind of list hope they are telling me I can eat anything but I know there is a diet can someone help me out. My dad and his Aunts and uncles cousin all passed from this.

I was diagnosed of kidney stones four years ago and have been feeling pain all the time

W ent to a spical d octor for kidney problems. When I saw the doctor and told him my problems that I have and my regular doctor had sent me to. The special doctor had me give him a sample of my kidney. He told me that I was in severe kidney failure and that all he could do was give me shots to slow it down and I took 2 and after each shot I got worse and could hardly get out of bed. I quit the shots then he told me I would die in 6 no longer than 1 year. After I quit the shots I got better and I haven't been to him because if I had I wouldn't be alive today.If you are smart you will be very careful about taking anything they want to give you the shots he gave me cost $7000.00 each time, he just wanted the money he wasn't trying to help me.

My elderly mother in law has problems with chronic kidney stones, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and now over seven fractures on her spine, with three more waiting for a time to happen. I'm wondering if this is all related to kidney disease. In other words should we be looking more closely to the kidneys rather than the RA?

My sig other has Stage 3 kidney disease, but he's able to control it with a very low sodium diet. Not easy to do since neither one of us are Julia Child's, and we rely on prepared meals.

I use an on-line grocery service and I can sort the grocery items by "sodium levels". It's been a shock seeing what items are high on sodium. Who would ever think pizza was high on sodium :P

To everyone with kidney disease, let me just say something: Don't lose hope! There IS an solution, and you CAN get better, even if everyone tells you that it's hopeless. In fact, I got better naturally with some simple diet changes that anybody can do.

Don't lose hope!

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