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Still just treading water, no land in sight.

Husband fell asleep, good. Now I can relax and do/watch what I want. Lol

Feed your Faith and doubt will starve to death

Welcome, Unite! :) Yes, this site is a lifesaver. So many caregivers at all stages of the caregiving process, and grief support as well.

Thanks Barbbrooklyn, the site I was on for a couple years closed. I have been searching, found a couple sites, either hardly active or not easily usable. Right, just a place to vent, get advise, and just plain talk when you need and want to. My life changed on 9/15/18. I now have a bedridden husband. Who do you care for?

Unoted, this is the right place for EVERYONE! Ask a question or vent. It's all good.

Hi, don't know if I'm at the right place for me. New here. I am a caregiver to my husband.

Cm- Be it true, lonely lunches.
I am ok with that.
But, really I am never alone. HE is always with me. :)

Smeshque, "rather be right than popular," hmm?

While what you say is *true*...

It can also make you very lonely at lunchtimes.

The New Moon is no excuse to allow negative posts against another caregiver to flourish on this forum, especially involving attacks and hateful personal criticisms.

Other forum moderators will post and close a topic to further discussion.

Example would read:

"Administrator has closed this thread for further comment."

And a good night to you, Send


Tomorrow is the New Moon.


If you are a believer, I would pray and ask God to help you overcome your fear. I went through a time in my life where I questioned everything I believed about existence, God, death, etc. It was right after my grandpa died. I believe over time (not immediately) He gave me peace with things (even my doubts/questions) and helped me to have a stronger faith. Now, it's not so much death that scares me, it's dying in pain, or living for years a prisoner of my own mind and body as I saw with my mom's struggles. I just pray and hope it doesn't go like that, but that when my time comes, it's peaceful and while I'm still in my right mind.

smeshque - I'm glad you got there. I'm still finding my way.

If your heart is empty, it does not matter how full your head is.

PB- I use to have that issue as well. And now I don't, long haul but got there. 4 words, faith is the victory.

Now and then, I think: 'what can I do to overcome the fear of death?"

Don't know the answer to that yet, but will keep at it.

HELLO to all the old time caregivers still reading, and the lurkers not posting.
You are missed.

It is better to be hated and in the minority for speaking truth, than to be loved and in the majority for speaking lies

What can be done with paperwork, can be undone with more paperwork.

When everything feels like an uphill struggle...
just think of the view from the top.

Gershun- I am sure it will be too interesting to put down. :)

Smeshque, maybe if I write it, it will be so boring it will help you to sleep. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.

I do love birds though, don't get me wrong. ;)

I hear you Linda.

If you write it Gershun, I will read it. :)

I have lived with it since childhood. But thank the Lord, my body has managed to get by on minimal sleep. Good days and not so good days as you know.

Insomnia? oh yes -- My sleep graph on my Fitbit looks like a roller coaster.....

smeshque, I could write a book about insomnia. In fact my lack of good, solid sleep is starting to mess with my mind I think.

Going crazy anyone?

Insomnia, anyone?

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.

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