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It sounds like you haves anoles...the nice looking lizards that have almost disappeared around my area in the last 20+ years. They aren't native here, but I don't know about for your area. Instead we have tons of what look like ancient ugly dinosaurs reduced to lizard size. They aren't smooth but rough, bumpy and gnarly with enlarged heads compared to anoles. They have rough skin with mixed colors that are unattractive. I'd gladly welcome the anoles back!

Please let us know what you name the cat and how your attempts at friendship work out. I hope it doesn't find something in your garden to munch on too much.

I'm getting behind on responding to all your interesting and helpful posts. Just a quick one here to Stacey in response to her question on the barbed tree:

Stacey, I've never ever heard of a monkey tree so I had to quickly check it out. It's a lovely evergreen but the thorns are incredible - they must be 3 -4" long!

As I suspected, it's not native to the US, but is to some South American countries. If you were in Washington DC, I'd suggest donating it to one of the South American country embassies since it would be a nice gesture for a tree that would complement their home country's native species.

But I see you're in Washington state, so.... some other suggestions:

1. Are there any arboretums or commercial gardens in your area? We have one at the Cranbrook Institute of Science, Matthaei Botanical Garden, and a Meijer (retail grocery store chain) garden.

A garden like this that charges admission would probably have funds to hire a landscaper to dig up and remove the tree, and they may even have suits of armor or something to protect them from the thorns. I'm sure they've dealt with armored trees before though and would know how to handle them. It might even involve wrapping a thickly padded tree quilt or something like that around the trunk.

2. Do the local libraries have gardens? Same situation except they may not have the funds unless the libraries are in more wealthy neighborhoods.

3. Call local landscapers and see if they want the tree. You might even be able to make an exchange for a tree that you'd like.

4. Last option is to post on Craigs' List, but I had too many unpleasant experiences with too many unsavory characters, so that's always a concern. In addition, I doubt if too many people would want to or know how to safely excavate a tree and protect the roots.

Anyone else have any suggestions? I'm sure I'm missing something - there must be a nice new home for this beautiful tree!

Friends and I enjoy The Huntington Library & Gardens in San Marino, CA. Home of the paintings Blue Boy, the Gutenberg Bible, and Japanese gardens. Many of these gardens, museums, etc. have free entrance days once a month.

Gardenartist, GREAT THREAD IDEA! I love to hear about what everyone else is doing besides caregiving! Not that that isn't important, lol! We don't want the Oldy Moldy's shriveling up inside the house, let's not forget about them, lol! Oh wait, we are the Oldy Moldy's!

I have a very pretty yard and gardens done mostly by my hubby, he loves to be outside doing anything over being indoors. I do my best work, picking out the plants I want each spring and setting them right where I want them planted, and enjoy mixing it up each Spring. When we first bought this house 20 years ago, there was grass and not much else, but now, every edge is garden and all around the walkways and patios. It is lovely to sit outside reading and watching things grow, and watching my hubby enjoy his passion! The years are taking the tole on his back however, and we have tried to make the yard a lot less work with a lot of ground cover and perrenials. I bought a Monkey Puzzle Tree, about 8 inches tall and we planted about 5 feet from the fence in our back yard, and now the devil is 12 feet high and gorgeous, however it needs to be moved and I am stumped as to what to do with the darn thing! You would have to wear very protective gear just to get near it, so I am thinking about calling the local Community College Horticulture group to see if they may be interested in taking it from us, as it is my prize, and it is truly beautiful, but it had outgrown the spot it is in, and the Lilacs we planted to give us privacy along that fence have also grown up huge, 20 or so feet, but those also send up shoots as we planned, but they are encompassing the MP Tree's space, oh, it's distressing, as I Love that tree, but it is becoming a Monster! So Gardenartist, what am I to do with it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Other then that, we have rhubarb, tomatoes, fruit trees, and raspberry bushes, and I love container gardening as well, mainly flowers on the patio, and hanging baskets too! There are great deals out there now on plants for next year, many just need to get into the ground, but after 20 years, we have run out of space! I do appreciate the yard and gardens and love to look at others, as well as looking through magazines and catalogs for next seasons ideas!

Well, I won't be wearing shorts while gardening. If I were able, physically, a nice flowering country english garden would be nice. My husband can barely keep up or help, so we make due. It is nice he prefers to hand garden. After one hour outside, even with insect repellent, I go to bed x 3 days in pain and with bug bites. The no-seeums are the worst.

Little, tiny, smooth, light greyish, taupish, some a little darker, but there are lots and since they block my pathway and look up at me, better to name them than be afraid. Car parked in outer edge of driveway since a baby lizzie was sun-bathing.
I get no respect for my needs!

GA, I'm sure Martha Stewart has a garden tractor, and a man to drive it for her too. I'm pretty sure she is much too busy to actually cut the lawn, groom the dogs and wash the chicken sh*t off those eggs, that's what all those millions are for.

I don't have much wildlife visiting here in town except tree rats (squirrels), but on the farm we had lots of racoons and skunks, neither of which were welcome, and in the morning there were often coyote tracks around the house. One summer we had a fox who visited often until she got into the neighbours chickens, and the year before we left I was thrilled to be visited by a turkey hen and her brood of little ones.

Lizards? What kind of lizards? My first thought was those huge, lumbering scowly face lizards that live on tropical islands and look so much like their prehistoric predecessors. Please tell me you have little tiny lovable lizards??

Garden, love the popularity of your new thread. Started telling others to come on over, it is easier to find now, just search: Gardening as therapy. Gotta go name that cat, or pick up the morning. Cat- patch.

Garden, skipped over your post to answer Coloresue, then I see your exact words about the pleasure of garden cats! I will make the gray one my friend, naming it, practicing high pitched welcome cutie voice, yuck for the poor cat but dogs like it.
No treats, really, no treats, that is a rule! Going through another phase when what happens is dogs, cats, children, and lizards think I am their friend. No treats here! Maybe just a water bowl.

Coloresue, naming and talking to the lizards, and baby lizzards. They stop, turn their heads and look at me. That is so much better than trying conversation with person with aspergers, who won't make eye contact or talk much at all.
Then, there is this feral cat, most likely a relative of the one I rescued years ago.
He/she eats at a neighbor's house, then comes on over to poop. Smelly. Not finding a solution to this offending issue with the cat, thinking I will make it a friend and just pick up poop daily, and I don't own a cat or dog. Headed for trouble and heartache, making a cat a friend, but getting desperate here.

One of the most pleasurable spectator activities of gardening is watching the local animal life.

The next door neighbor has 3 cats, 2 of which have adopted my garden as their primary recreation site. The older cat is a Tortoiseshell, a beautifully colored cat that was friendly and sweet when I first met her but has become more distanced as she's been allowed to roam freely. The younger cat is also a beautiful almost year old kitten of sleek black coloring.

Just a few moments ago I noticed the Tortoiseshell leading the Midnight cat across the yard, back into the garden and down the center path. I thought it was so sweet, elder sister teaching the younger one how to explore, navigate, probably hunt and have some fun in the garden.

Midnight was following Tortoiseshell, then suddenly Tortoiseshell stopped, crouched and went into hunting mode. I thought this was so cute, teaching the younger one how to hunt the various delicacies hiding amidst the foliage in the garden.

Then just as suddenly the Tortoiseshell turned and chased Midnight out of the yard. Midnight scampered out, hid somewhere, and hasn't yet emerged from her sanctuary.

I had thought this was to be a trip of sisterly love and teaching, but apparently Tortoiseshell wants to keep the garden for herself.

It was stunning though to see these two beautifully colored cats sauntering down the center path, surrounded by variations of green on every side.

Hopefully they'll make up this afternoon and I'll get to see them together again.

Anyone else have any feline visitors to your garden?

I'm guessing Ashlynne workers harder in her garden than Martha Stewart does. Does Martha even have a tractor mower?

Your property sounds wonderful! if I had better health I'd be jealous! You're living the dream of many people. I know you've put a lot of hard work into your place to make your own dream come true. It's satisfying, isn't it? I understand you so well when you say your soul is at peace...and I'm so glad for you. May you always enjoy your home and that peace.

Hello, Sendme2help! Welcome! Do you like to garden? Or enjoy watching the creatures in your garden?

Visiting here, just found the post. HI everyone!

cwillie I actually don't run the lawn tractor at full boot as the land is uneven and my poor old back suffers. When my mother went into the NH I bought this place, 80 years old, former one room farm hand cottage built on over the years, ancient leaking windows, little insulation, mice and rats (darn near froze to death the first winter) but it was all I could afford.

It's way out in the country, surrounded by fields and forest, nearest niehgbour a mile away. The house I can gradually get fixed up, the surroundings I can't replace. With two dogs, one a terrorist (terrier) and four cats the mousies etc. have taken a hike. Over the past couple of years I've splurged for new windows, siding and insulation, along with 158 cedars around the perimeter to stop the wind.

I bought it with a view to, as I get older, creakier and crankier, I'd be able to manage a lot on my own. It's one floor, two steps down and outside either way and I had the enormous jetted (jets didn't work) replaced with a shower. Year 3 now and the renovations will be mostly completed before the snow flies. The house is all electric and over time I've gained a wood stove and a huge wired in generator which will run most of the house, along with the freezers.

I've recently acquired a super handyman to help with things I can't do or lift but most things around here are geared to my getting older and physical issues ... like rainwater collection barrels for the veggies and flowers and raised beds because I don't bend well.

Yes it's been a lot of hard work, sweat and tears but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I'm home and my soul is at peace.

At a University garden show and sale I picked up 2 barren looking, unplanted bromeliad plants for $1 each. They were supposed to be beautiful when flowering. They grew and flowered and voila!! big, gorgeous red blooms appeared! $1 blooms!
The plant begets 1 new plant after blooming and then it dies. I wanted to share the plants but I will never have extras. I can't complain because they are gorgeous when they bloom! A nice little plus to the garden.

No, I don't. The info would be welcome! I'll see what I can track down on Victory Garden, thank you.

The link is working now.

Sue, do you get Fine Gardening? If not, I'll get some info for you later on. It has regional sections with recommendations for various plants, but the source of the salt air plants was actually a program on Victory Garden.

I can sympathize with your situation. One day I or both I and my husband will have to downsize and have a smaller garden, too. We used to maintain our current one but now have to have hired help to keep up. Our health limits us. When I was out buying plants, I used to get requests from people to do their landscaping. I was surprised but liked the idea. I considered it, but decided against it because I didn't think my body could do it for long and I learned from a pro that the majority of customers don't properly water after you do your landscaping job and your work is dead in about 6 months. Happy gardening to you!

Yes, I know the plants that tolerate salt air. Fortunately we can plant a lot of other, more appealing plants, too. We are in zone 10. I'd still like any info you have. You never know, there might be something good in the info.
I've lived here all my life and have seen a lot of property and plants. I've done a lot of research, too.
Thanks for starting this topic. A GREAT idea!! The link didn't work for me, though. I did a look up in the search box.

Sue, just a quick question - are you in zone 9 or 10? I assume you're aware there are plants are specifically able to tolerate salt air? If not, I might have some quick references for you.

Cwillie, I had been wondering at first what an enterprise yard was. Sounded like a nice new fancy term for those massive acres devoted to nothing but lawn.

I'm still wondering how the British estate owners in the 1800s managed to keep their huge lawns clipped. Or did they let the sheep graze there?

I love training vines to grow up our banyan tree or the archway near our front door. Not perfectly prim and proper, but looking somewhat free and loose. The individual leaves of the philodendrons get over 1 foot long! That amazes me. Philodendrens, not pothos. They cover the imitation brick walls and travel against the roofline around the house. I love seeing those heart shaped leaves all lined up vertically when I arrive home from somewhere. They seem to be saying "Welcome home! We *heart* you!"

There's ivy climbing the walls elsewhere. Some variegated pothos also. I love how the pothos is weaving between the plant beds around the front entrance and filling every nook and cranny with it's presence. It's creeping up an artificial plant next to the front door and will make it look more like a real one. Yay! It creeps everywhere and looks good! It peeks out from smaller crotons, poinsettias, ground orchids, multiple ferns, peacock something-or-others and more and gives a finished look like little trailing plants or baby's breath does to professional bouquets.

It's amazing how many unsolicited compliments we get when our landscaping seems to be a little out of control...we think it's time for a trim everywhere...yet that's when other people are most complimentary about it! I sort of understand it. I like the beautiful and lush but somewhat wild growth look also.


You're living my dream, and perhaps the dream of many of us who love the outdoors. You've done a lot since you're moved in, making the yard your special garden - a real dream come true, but a dream made possible by your own hard work. Is this a retirement project now?

Rhubarb can work well in breads; my mother had a great recipe. I think we also made some rhubarb bars, something like brownies. Somewhere I have her recipes....

Brambles are also great producers. One year my raspberry plot produced 35 quarts of berries! They took up probably a whole shelf in the freezer and I had raspberries for the next few years.

There are some new raspberry and blueberry varieties that are specifically adapted to containers. I'm thinking of trying them; raspberries are easy to care for through once a year pruning, but they do tend to wander as branches self root.

Are all of your 2 acres mowable? Do you use the clippings for mulch and/or compost? Do you plan to expand your garden?

Sounds like you're in quite a rural area with farmers who sell to neighbors and others. That's such a great way to buy, so much fresher and healthier than "food" in the supermarkets, not to mention the fact that in a rural area you probably don't have to deal with smog and can actually see stars at night.

Do you ever use a dehydrator to dry any of your produce?

Back later; I'm getting the urge to sort out leftover seeds and start planning for next year!

Working my way through to answer each of your posts...


I understand your frustration. Been there, trying not to do it, and still fighting!

It's difficult to want to garden but not have the time or be able to. Sometimes I satisfy that need by reading more gardening magazines and creating more garden plans.

Still, it's not the same as being outside in the air, feeling the soft breath of the wind, watching the butterflies, and seeing the occasional feline visitor stalking or swatting insects.

As we sometimes tell our parents, as we age we reach a transitional stage at which we have to consider becoming the manager rather than the doer. But we can still enjoy someone else's work (without incurring the backaches and soreness that we get).

Maybe you can buy some perennials and have your landscaper put them in for you? With mulch, there would hardly even be any weeding.

You could still sit outside and enjoy the beauty of the yard, but let someone else do all the work.

I never have and probably never will see the attraction of massive lawns. For years I've been planning to dig up and compost the sod and put in flowering ground covers instead. It's a major effort though.


I think you've summarized one of the fascinating and rewarding aspects of gardening - changing soil from grass or just ordinary soil into something very productive, rewarding and nourishing.

Once those seeds are in, I check almost daily for sprouts, and it's soooo exciting when a little green sprout peeps up through the soil. There's a reward that comes from growing things, whether flowers, veggies, fruits or herbs, that is intrinsically rewarding. In fact, I think it's basic to human nature.

I too used to want to become a professional gardener, but realistically I thought of all the physical work and wasn't sure I would be up to it. It's one thing to garden whenever you feel like it but another to have to do it for pay, on someone else's schedule.

You know, there are ways you can maximize your smaller lot by using vertical gardening. Have you ever seen some of the living fences? They're extraordinary!

Dang spellcheck, where the heck did enterprise come from?? pristine lawns

Ash, 3 hours to mow??? Hope you enjoy your time on the mower, I used to whip through in hight gear with the blades raised as high as possible except for the bit right around the house, I never could see the point in enterprise lawns. LOL
Sounds like you are living my fantasy, but I made the decision that I don't want a place where I have to work so hard to keep it going as I get older, and of course I have my mom to look after for now. I never did get to keep any farmyard chickens, be sure to pick some pretty ones!

I sure wish I knew more about growing veggies in my west central Fl. location near the beach (salt air). The soil has to be amended just for gardening, let alone edibles. I don't really LIKE veggie gardening, but I think it's going to be necessary more and more. Right now we have 90% of what we eat, and what the animal meats we eat having consumed GMOs and that's really bothersome. I don't want to be eating that way. I'd rather grow non-GMO veggies and fruits.
I can relate to each post on here. I feel an attachment to the land and plants. I love getting my hands into the soil, handling the plants, trimming, and creating a work of art sometimes by the way I plant and trim and combine elements in the gardens. I love using color, especially plants that are colorful year round without blooming. That's my and my husband's latest fun pursuit. Cordylines (Hawaiian ti plants) are great for this. So are certain crotons. We can get soft, similar shades or brilliant dissimilar combined colors in specific heights that we want or control.

I can empathize with fregflyer in that we must hire help due to our own health limitations. I remember not so long ago spending long days in the yard. I'd even work into the night using our outside lighting to finish up a job. I didn't need to see perfectly because I knew my plants and beds well.

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