Caring for Parents

  • How to Know When Your Elderly Parents Need Help at Home and When to Intervene

    Signs your parent may need help include sudden or significant changes in behavior, physical function, appearance, cognition, memory, or judgment.

  • First Steps for New Caregivers: Getting a Health Assessment for Your Parent

    When becoming a new caregiver for an aging parent it can be difficult to know where to start. A comprehensive health assessment can help you make care decisions moving forward.

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  • Checklist: How to Find the Best Nursing Home for a Senior

    Choosing a nursing home for a senior is a difficult process. Use this checklist to ensure you ask all the important questions while touring skilled nursing facilities and to help you find the right fit for your aging loved one.

  • The Emotional Toll of Moving Your Elderly Parent to Senior Living

    Moving an aging parent into assisted living or a nursing home is a physically and emotionally challenging transition for the whole family. Use compassion and self-awareness to keep your feelings in check and support your loved one throughout this process.

  • How Can My Elderly Parent Qualify for Medicaid?

    Find out how annuities play into Medicaid planning for your elderly parents. It may seem hard to believe that annuities can help the elderly qualify for Medicaid - yes, Medicaid. This is sometimes called the "Half-A-Loaf" approach, and in certain cases, it can be a lifesaver for those who need the help the most.

  • How to Discuss Unsafe Driving With a Senior

    Older adults who have become increasingly dangerous on the road are often in denial about their driving issues and the risks they pose to themselves and others. Use these seven tips for discussing unsafe driving with an aging parent.

  • Coping With Seniors Who Won’t Accept In-Home Caregivers

    Families hire home care services to provide respite and quality care for seniors. But what is a family caregiver to do when their loved one refuses to cooperate with their new in-home care aide?

  • Siblings Who Feel Shut Out of Caregiving

    While MIA siblings are the overwhelming norm, some families have very different experiences. This article offers a glimpse into another perspective on caregiving: that oft maligned long-distance siblings may actually be excluded by primary caregivers.

  • Handling Controlling Elderly Parents

    Are you caring for a senior who tries to control everything and everyone around them? Use these tips to cope with their overbearing behavior while maintaining your own physical and mental health.

  • What Are the Duties of a Guardian for the Elderly?

    A legal guardian can be responsible for overseeing an incompetent elder’s personal well-being, financial well-being or both. These duties may seem straightforward, but guardianship is a very serious commitment.

  • “I Promised My Parents I'd Never Put Them in a Nursing Home”

    Placing a senior in a nursing home can feel like a monumental failure, but this isn’t the case. Adjusting your attitude can help you realize that you are actually fulfilling the underlying commitment you made to your loved one.

  • Are Adult Children Responsible for Their Parents’ Debt?

    Many adult children are unaware of their parents’ financial situation until they step in to help manage money or begin the probate process. If you find that a parent has racked up some debt, it’s normal to wonder if you may be on the hook for repayment.

  • Should You Convince Your Aging Parents to Move Closer to You?

    The growing trend of seniors moving closer to family seems like a viable solution to the challenges of long-distance caregiving, but there are drawbacks involved. How do you know if you are making the right decision?

  • Getting Your Siblings to Help With Caregiving

    Caregiving responsibilities are seldom distributed among adult children equally. Use these communication techniques to convey the gravity of this role and convince your siblings to help care for your aging parents.

  • Caring for Aging Parents Who Didn’t Care for You

    For those who endured abusive and neglectful childhoods, caring for elderly parents can reopen old wounds and cause new trauma. Choosing whether to participate in a parent's care is tough, but you do have options.

  • Caregiver Guilt: How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Elderly Parents

    Family caregivers often feel guilty about aspects of their role, whether it’s how they cope with dementia behaviors or the desire to prioritize self-care. An elder care expert offers her tips for dealing with caregiver guilt.

  • Warning Signs That Your Parent's Finances Are Off Track

    Money can be a sticky subject to discuss with your aging parents. If you’re noticing any of these red flags, it may be time to step in and assist in managing their finances.

  • 9 Ways Caring for Parents is Different From Caring for Children

    Many people mistakenly compare child rearing to caring for an aging parent, but, as many caregivers know, these two tasks couldn’t be more different.

  • Ten Travel Tips for Senior Travelers

    Traveling with an aging adult can present some challenges, but seniors and caregivers can enjoy a safe journey by planning ahead with these tips.

  • Taking the Keys Away: What to Do If a Senior Won't Stop Driving

    Many family caregivers eventually realize that their aging loved ones are no longer fit to drive. If an elder refuses to stop driving and maintains that they’re still safe behind the wheel, you may need a backup plan for keeping them off the road.

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