Senior Health

  • The Secret to a Long Life? It's Not What You Think

    Researchers have found that people who live a long life don't necessarily lead healthier lives than the rest of us-- instead, longevity genes may buffer the negative effects of unhealthy indulgences.

  • Report Calls for More Scrutiny of Medical Devices

    After a series of recalls and an alarming rise in adverse events, a new report is calling for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to replace its 35-year old clearance process for medical devices, such as pacemakers, heart valves and artificial joints.

  • Positive People May Have Reduced Stroke Risk

    Optimism is a personality trait that has been linked to a variety of health benefits. Now, researchers have discovered that those who look on the brighter side of life are less likely to have a stroke.

  • Studies Show How Dementia Risk May Be Lowered

    The number of diagnoses of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia is projected to increase exponentially in the coming decades. Two new studies demonstrate how the risk of developing dementia can be lowered if people take good care of their bodies and minds.

  • ‘Healthy’ Foods That Elderly People Should Never Eat

    Some foods, like sprouts, raw fish and eggs may contain bacteria and viruses that cause food-borne illnesses. For seniors and individuals with compromised immune function, food poisoning can cause serious health setbacks and even death.

  • Planning Seniors' Meals: Avoiding the Hidden Traps of Food Labels

    If your aging loved one has a health condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes or osteoporosis, it can be a challenge to provide a healthy diet. Learn to read food labels to ensure a senior is eating a healthy diet.

  • Dietary Supplements for the Elderly: More is Not Always Better

    Supplementation with vitamins, herbs, minerals and antioxidants can be beneficial for some, but buying into this fad can be expensive and potentially detrimental to a senior’s health.

  • 10 Secrets Elderly Parents Keep from Their Families

    Older adults often conceal or downplay things like falls, money troubles, elder abuse and car accidents so they can continue living independently. Most family members only learn of these longstanding issues once they're too severe to hide.

  • Low Cholesterol Diet: How to Cut Out the Fat

    When caring for a senior mom or dad's diet, caregivers should monitor cholesterol levels, as high levels of bad cholesterol can increase your elderly senior's risk for heart disease.

  • What Do I Do If My Elderly Parent Refuses to Go to the Doctor?

    Aging is scary for a multitude of reasons and that fear often manifests as a refusal to participate in doctor’s appointments and medical treatments. What can a caregiver do if an aging parent refuses to go to the doctor?

  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Seniors

    Can people who have no history of disease go into sudden cardiac arrest?

  • The Most Common Age-Related Medical Issues

    The most widespread condition affecting seniors is coronary heart disease, followed by stroke, cancer, pneumonia and the flu. Accidents, especially falls that result in hip fractures, are also unfortunately common in the elderly.

  • The Power of Telling Family Stories

    Reminiscing is a vital part of healthy aging. Sharing stories and experiences is a powerful way to improve a senior’s self-esteem, reduce stress, and leave a legacy to younger generations.

  • Ebola in Senior Living Facilities: Should You Be Scared?

    Two employees at a Dallas assisted living facility were quarantined in 2014 after coming into contact with patient who had Ebola. If a loved one resides in a senior living facility, should you be worried about their health and safety?

  • Pope’s Age-Related Resignation Highlights Elder Care's ‘Unanswerable’ Questions

    Pope Benedict XVI, leader of the Roman Catholic Church, announced his resignation due to age-related issues. His pronouncement highlights the challenges of making difficult elder care decisions.

  • Learning to Live with Adversity Allowed me to Look Differently at Aging

    A life filled with ups and downs enable me to navigate Parkinson's, prostate cancer, and all the stuff that comes with being 84 with relative equanimity.

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