
I would definitely recommend Mom's Meals. I ordered the sample for my mom & she really liked it. She couldn't eat the whole dinner, but wanted it for lunch the next day. I tried it too & it was very good. This is not an advertisement, but I will give you the phone number as well because I am ordering more 1-877-508-6667. The meals come departmentalized & when microwaved don't look like gunk, but more like a real meal. Mom needs the pureed & I had ordered from Hormel, and looked for the one with the best recommendations, but it still looked and tasted not that great. If you were starving on a desert island, you would eat it. Anyway, it is a great dinner alternative to yogurt. The roast beef, mashed potatoes & caramelized carrots have been the best so far. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. I also just made a peach smoothie with vanilla boost that she liked as well. If you go on the Boost Website, they have recipes.
Hugs & Prayers to you and your loved ones.

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Sorry you found it difficult. If you type in Mom's Meals, go to self pay, choose pureed then click pureed where it says view menus. You will see pictures of the meals and the types of meals. You can sign up for a sample of 3, but normally you need to order 7. I signed up for 7 more today which is about $70, but for my mom. One meal is enough for lunch and dinner. It comes in a big heavy box which is best to open before trying to carry. It is primarily ice, with the dinners inside. The dinners go in the refrigerator. Call the number if you are not able to see the menus. There are also programs for Medicaid/Medicare to help pay for this. I just looked at that site & might check into it for Medicare, but usually trying to deal with Gov. agencies is a hassle. Best of luck!

I just checked out Mom's Meals website and it is very slick and totally uninformative - I could not find anywhere that it shows the menu choices available or the cost of meals and shipping. Would you care to share that Oldmaid?

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